Window Painting Robot (arduino, processing, accelerometer) Using Arduino

Window Painting Robot (1)
The idea for this project came from one of my favorite ‘ibles: the polargraph. I loved the drawing style and thought how cool would it be to do this on the side of a building? Unfortunately the challenges to setting up such a large polargraph on a student budget pushed me to find an alternate solution, and thus started the window painting robot! This is a fairly simple robot that uses two neodymium magnets to stay up on glass walls, windows, or any surfaces less than 1″ thick (one magnet is attached to the robot and the other is on the opposite side of the surface. It also work on floors, but not nearly as cool). Check it out in action! Link to video is also HERE

I am entering this project into the UP contest so if you think it is at all neat/delicious/gets you thinking then please give me a vote and help me, help you with more awesome projects =]

What I think is so enticing about this design is the wide applicability. It allows expression of ideas and creativity in normally unused spaces. The real challenge is what’s the biggest glass window can you find? This also has other applications as it could clean windows, or survey the sides of buildings, draw just on floors, etc.

The advantage of this design over a polargraph or other drawing method is that it is really easy to set up and draw on any size of window. Later in the ‘ible you will find the processing program I wrote for this, which takes input about your window size and robot specs and lets you to draw what you would like the robot to mark on your window; with a touch of a button it turns it into arduino code that fits in the arduino program I have supplied, so it can be easily uploaded to the robot. Then you just put the robot on the wall and watch it go to work! The autonomous nature of this design makes it free of wires while also not relying on any sort of wireless connection to do its work.

I did this project with scrap VEX metal and motors I had lying around, but don’t be discouraged if you don’t have those!!! It will work with any 3 wire motors (and others as well but may take minor changes to code) and whatever materials you have available (wood, metal, plastic, etc). DO NOT be discourage, you can do this project! I always challenge myself to build with what I have and this project cost me a total of $20 so really not an investment.

Window Painting Robot (1)

Step 1: Parts List

Parts List
2x  3-wire Motors (I used vex 393 motors with motor controllers to make them 3-wire but any will do.) 

1x  3-wire Servo (used to raise and lower the pen, I’m using a really small one. Size doesn’t matter, in this case.)

1x  Arduino Board (I used an uno but any should work!)

2x  Neodymium magnets (I got mine from and went with N42 counter-bored circular magnets 1″ diam by 1/2″ thick. These are the real crux of the whole project as they need to be strong enough to hold the robot against the wall. My robot weighs 2.5 pounds and these magnets keep it easily attached to windows up to 1″ thick! Remember you can always add spacers if they are a little strong.)

1x  Battery Pack (These are to power the arduino and drive the motors, I used the vex 7.2v pack but use whatever works for you.)

4x  Wheels (You can use two but I found four to be alot more precise. Whatever they are make sure they have a rubber coating or some grippy surface.)

1x  Tiny Breadboard (This is optional as you can just wire things directly to the arduino, but it help plan the paths out.)

1x Single-Axis Accelerometer (Optional but highly recommended) I’m using one that is twenty years old so really anything will do (they can be found online for cheap). Just remember for our application the lower the g rating the better, mine is +-4g so anything around there will do.

Materials for the body (Use what you have!!!! Those who have a 3d printer, try making a chassis that way. I don’t have access to something like that but the lighter, the better! I used some scrap metal.)

Gears (I used vex ones, these are needed to drive wheels if you are doing a four wheeled design. People with 3d printers can make their own but for those without access lego gears are a possibility if the mounts are drilled out. Be creative!)

Window Markers!

Random bits of wire/screws to hook everything up.

Step 2: Look at That Body

For the body I used scrap metal to make a general U shape in the frame. I later added a support beam at the open end of the U to give it more strength, so I would advise you to just make a square with an opening in the center (for the servo and pen to be mounted in). The body’s width should be able to fit both your motors as they will be mounted under it. Mine measures 12.5 centimeters as my motors are 5.5 cm wide. The body also should be long enough to mount both your wheels with gears to drive them. My body ended up being 15 cm long, close to a square shape. Keep in mind that the magnet will be mounted at the center of the robot’s underside (see next slide for details) so make space if that is needed. 

Just as a general reminder, keep it light! The lighter weight, the easier it is to maneuver.

Step 3: Magnets (so attractive)

Window Painting Robot circuit (1)

The next import part is to mount your magnets to the underside of the frame. As you can see in my pictures I have it along the line that the motor shafts are, so when the robot turns it revolves around the magnet and will offer little resistance to keep the driving precise. The magnet should be mounted so that when the wheels are attached and the robot is pressed against the wall it will be just a millimeter from the surface of the glass. This height is tough to gauge without the wheels added yet, but it is important to make sure you can mount the magnets and the exact height can be adjusted with washers or nuts later. I actually kept the magnet off after this point to make the rest of the building easier.


Step 4: The Wheels (of Change) Keep On Turning

The base is almost ready to move! Mount the motors to the frame. Then attach the gears and wheels to the frame. Using the VEX parts made this simple for me, but it boils down to three shafts for each side, one for each wheel and the one driven by the motor. I used gears to help add torque so the wheels wouldn’t slip. After adding the wheels, you can also iron out the exact height the magnet will need to be mounted at.

Step 5: The Pen

For this step we will be mounting the window marker and servo t the frame. I couldn’t find a great way to do this with the little space I had for it so I just zip tied the marker to the servo and the servo right onto the robot body. It turned out to be pretty rigid and the servo had enough force to make clean, continuous lines. The placement of the pen is key as the closer it is to the magnet (which is the center point that the robot turns around), the cleaner the drawings will turn out.

Once the pen is mounted test out what servo position makes the window touching the window (down position) and what position you want to raise it to (up position). Write these down as you will need to enter them into the arduino code later.

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