


Separate power supply. Signalling on mobile phone call.This function has only a few hundred euros more expensive equipment. motorcycle into the phone by calling The digital alarm input is a normally closed contact. The… Electronics Projects, ATmega8 Motorcycle alarm circuit “atmega8 projects, avr project, microcontroller projects, “ Separate power supply. Signalling on mobile phone call.This function has only a …



MAX038-Based Sweep/Function Generator With Markers using AVR ATtiny2313 microcontroller

Take Maxim’s MAX038 function generator chip, add some frills, and you have a pretty nice tool for the bench. Downloads: Main Circuit Schematic Power Supply Schematic You can build this with switches instead of buttons if you don’t want to use a micro controller. Here is the controller code. AVRStudio 4.x Assembler Source for AT90S1200A  …

MAX038-Based Sweep/Function Generator With Markers using AVR ATtiny2313 microcontroller Read More »

Private Chat Room using Arduino nRF24L01 and Processing

Create a Private Chat Room using Arduino, nRF24L01 and Processing

Creating a Local Network to share personnel and confidential data’s has become almost impossible for a common man in our modern world. This is mainly because all common chat methods like Whatsapp, Facebook, Hangout and almost everything involves an internet connection. What if, we could share data without the medium of Internet? How cool it would …

Create a Private Chat Room using Arduino, nRF24L01 and Processing Read More »

IoT Based Electricity Energy Meter

IoT Based Electricity Energy Meter using ESP12 and Arduino

We all know about Electricity energy meters which are installed in everyone’s house or offices to measure the electricity consumption. At last of every month, many of us get worried about the high electricity bill and we have to look at the energy meter once in a while. But what if we can monitor our electricity uses …

IoT Based Electricity Energy Meter using ESP12 and Arduino Read More »

Multiple mode Environmental Sensor Deck with MKR1000 (1)

Multiple mode Environmental Sensor Deck with MKR1000 Using Arduino

Many fun environmental sensors need a hardware interrupt. With the MKR1000, you no longer need to choose! You get I2C, analog ins too! Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino MKR1000 × 1 MOD-1016 Lightning Sensor × 1 DFRobot MQ-9 Gas Sensor × 1 Adafruit Humidity and Temperature Sensor × 1 Adafruit Pressure/Altitude/Temperature Sensor …

Multiple mode Environmental Sensor Deck with MKR1000 Using Arduino Read More »