
Capacitive Sensing + Open Frameworks + SPACEBREW

Capacitive Sensing + Open Frameworks + SPACEBREW Using Arduino

This is a step-by-step on how to connect Arduino to OpenFrameworks using Spacebrew. More specifically our project focuses on the awesomeness of Capacitive Sensing to alter OF projections to create an awesome tactile experience! What the process will involve: Arduino -> Processing -> SpaceBrew -> OpenFrameworks What you will need: Software: Arduino Processing OpenFrameworks Capsense Library for …

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Arduino + Processing Make a Radar Screen to Visualise Sensor Data

Arduino + Processing: Make a Radar Screen to Visualise Sensor Data from SRF-05 – Part 2: Visualising the Data

This is where all the work is done to read an interpret the values from the servo and the sensor. If the readings are to erratic then you won’t have nice shapes. Also if you don’t allow enough time to the signals to be sent back then you’ll get false distance readings. So this code …

Arduino + Processing: Make a Radar Screen to Visualise Sensor Data from SRF-05 – Part 2: Visualising the Data Read More »

Arduino Processing 3D Sensor Data Visualisation

Arduino + Processing – 3D Sensor Data Visualisation

So following on from my previous posts about visualising sensor data in Processing, I’m now looking at drawing 3D representations of the data recorded from the Sharp IR sensor – although can be any kind of range finder. I started by rigging 2 servos, one to pan left to right, the other up to down. The latter is limited to only …

Arduino + Processing – 3D Sensor Data Visualisation Read More »

Arduino Real time room temperature (1)

Real-time room temperature on your Website using Arduino

This is how to push high resolution real-time data from Arduino-based temperature sensor to your web page without any server-side coding. Arduino is a great device for collecting, storing and transferring data from various sensors but there are times you need to make your data accessible from any place over the internet, like I did …

Real-time room temperature on your Website using Arduino Read More »