
PC-based heart rate monitor using Arduino and Easy Pulse sensor

The heart rate, also referred to as pulse rate, has been recognized as a vital sign since the beginning of medicine, and it is directly related to a person’s cadiovascular health. Today, we are going to make a PC-based heart rate monitor system using an Arduino board and Easy Pulse V1.1 sensor. Easy Pulse is …

PC-based heart rate monitor using Arduino and Easy Pulse sensor Read More »

Arduino Controlled Yellow Plane

Currently revising the design to reduce weight and have bigger wing chord base on advise from DIY drones with slightly shorter wings.  AUW 1521 Grams Wing loading 14.83 oz/ft²  power to weight 270 Watts per Kg should perform much better than Yellow plane one. I’m changing from the D4023-850 Out Runner Motor to a higher kv TurnigyL3010C-1300kv Tests show significant improvement in static thrust …

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Two LED matrices give 70 LEDs to light up a necklace with

Write messages and show animations on this palm-sized heart-shaped LED display. Works seamlessly with Arduino, and requires only three pins to control. Want a heart matrix of your very own? You can buy this DIY kit for $17.95 on the product page. How does it work? Three shift registers control two LED matrices, each with …

Two LED matrices give 70 LEDs to light up a necklace with Read More »

Arduino a Codemotion 2012 Venezia

Ci aspetta un week end intenso: mentre Davide e Pitusso tengono il workshop base di Arduino a Matera,  a Venezia (presso H-farm ) si tiene il secondo codemotion di quest’anno, che vedrà il nostro Cristian Maglie raccontare l’Arduino Due e il cammino che abbiamo intrapreso per realizzarla. Arduino sponsorizza anche l’Hackaton sulle emergenze, offrendo 10 Arduino …

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