When the button is pressed in this example, a text string is sent to the computer as keyboard input. The string reports the number of times the button has been pressed. Once you have the Leonardo programmed and wired up, open up your favourite text editor to see the results.
NB: When you use the Keyboard.print() command, the Arduino takes over your computer’s keyboard! To insure you don’t lose control of your computer while running a sketch with this function, make sure to set up a reliable control system before you call Keyboard.print(). This sketch includes a pushbutton to toggle the keyboard, so that it only runs after the button is pressed.
Software Required
- Any text editor
Keyboard Message test
For the Arduino Leonardo and Micro.
Sends a text string when a button is pressed.
The circuit:
– pushbutton attached from pin 4 to +5V
– 10 kilohm resistor attached from pin 4 to ground
created 24 Oct 2011
modified 27 Mar 2012
by Tom Igoe
modified 11 Nov 2013
by Scott Fitzgerald
This example code is in the public domain.
#include “Keyboard.h”
const int buttonPin = 4; // input pin for pushbutton
int previousButtonState = HIGH; // for checking the state of a pushButton
int counter = 0; // button push counter
void setup() {
// make the pushButton pin an input:
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
// initialize control over the keyboard:
Read more: Arduino Keyboard Message Code