An AVR Atmega LCD Menu builder library

LCD Menu builder library

lcdmenu1 is a simple and small lcd menu builder for AVR Atmega.
It works with only 4 buttons (up, down, right, left), additional buttons can be added.
It can also store values to eeprom

LCD Menu builder library

User can use button up and down to list menu categories, right and left to browse child and parent.
If an item is selected, the right button makes the menu enter in edit-mode.
In this mode button up and down changes the item value, left exit without save to eeprom, right exit and save to eeprom.
The menu costructor is based upon Dean Camera micro-menu. It works on 2×16 lcd using the Peter Fleury lcd library for HD44780, but it can also be change to fit other lcd resolution.
It is test on 2×16 HD44780 device, sample code is provided.
The main function is the builder function:
lcdmenu1_makemenu(name, next, prev, parent, sibling, selectfunc, enterfunc, exitfunc, text);
name is the name of the menuitem
next is the pointer to next menuitem
prev is the pointer to the prev menuitem
parent is the parent of the menuitem
sibling is the child of the menuitem
enterfunc is the function to be called when user enter this menuitem
exitfunc is the function to be called when user exit this menuitem
text is the text view on lcd for the menuitem
The sample  code provided build menu itemmenu foldermenu subfoder.

Schematic LCD Menu builder library

This library was developed on Eclipse, built with avr-gcc on Atmega8 @ 8MHz.


  • read risk disclaimer
  • excuse my bad english

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