This tech blog shows how to start a data connection from the BBC’s Wi-Fi UI Focus widget with a serial connection to Arduino UNO Rio3.
Open BCI hardware and software are open source! Experienced builders have the option of building this project from scratch. Full Documentation: Open BCI Documents

Skills Required
Tools Required
Step 1: Review the Scientific Method
Step 2: Do background research and make assumptions
Step 3: Load for example in the Arduino IDE
Skills Required:
Computer Science: PC to Arduino
Collects and synthesizes information that responds to the brain by sending messages to the brain via sensory memories, or messages for storage.
Discuss the argument that the body is a system of interconnection of subsystems comprising groups of cells.
Develop and use a model to illustrate the organizational organization of interactive systems that perform specific tasks within a multicellular organism.
Tools Required for Control Arduino with Your Brain
- Laptop
- Arduino UNO
- Ganglion / Cyton board
- OpenBCI Headband Kit / Ultracortex “Mark IV” EEG Headset
- OpenBCI Classroom Bundle
- Arduino IDE
- Arduino sketch provided
- OpenBCI GUI standalone app
Step 1: Review the Scientific Method

Possible Questions:
- What the brain
- What the brain do?
- How does the brain control my body?
- Is my brain different from someone else’s?
- How do we measure brain activity?
- If I connect my brain to a computer, can a computer read my thoughts?
Step 2: Do background research and make assumptions
if this then do that
Step 3: Load for example in the Arduino IDE
Open BCI_GUI – The Focus Arduino.Co file has been created as the starting point for creating your own Arduino project, using serial data over GRI. Download the .ino file and open it with the Arduino IDE.
Download OpenBCI_GUI-FocusArduino.ion
Read More: Control Arduino with Your Brain