
The Precision Cooker

Precision Cooker: A Temperature Controlled Cooker Using Atmega

Precise time and temperature control are critical when cooking. Slight deviations in either temperature or cooking time can ruin delicate ingredients. Despite this fact, most modern day stovetops provide no data regarding their current temperatures and do not have built in timers. The stovetops that do provide these functionalities are often expensive and require specialized …

Precision Cooker: A Temperature Controlled Cooker Using Atmega Read More »

Temperature meter

8 channel LCD Teperature meter using microcontroller using atmega

Description This is the fully featured, jammed packed temperature readout unit. I can measure temperature from up at 8 DS1820 digital temperature sensors all on the same 1-wire bus. That’s right only 3 wires are needed to go to all the temperature sensors, GND, VCC and 1-wire data. All sensors will connect to the same …

8 channel LCD Teperature meter using microcontroller using atmega Read More »

Dot matrix room temperature

LED Dot Matrix Room Temperature Display using P10 and ATmega8

Room temperature display on big screen is a common requirement from industrial sector. Used in server rooms, PLC rooms, storage rooms and many other places in an industrial units. Traditionally seven segment displays of big size (say four inch height) were used. But now a days DMD (dot matrix display) have become so cheap and easily available …

LED Dot Matrix Room Temperature Display using P10 and ATmega8 Read More »

Clinical-grade human body temperature sensor has ±0.1°C accuracy

Description The MAX30205 temperature sensor accurately measures temperature and provide an overtemperature alarm/interrupt/shutdown output. This device converts the temperature measurements to digital form using a high-resolution, sigma-delta, analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Accuracy meets clinical thermometry specification of the ASTM E1112 when soldered on the final PCB. Communication is through an I2C-compatible 2-wire serial interface. The I2C …

Clinical-grade human body temperature sensor has ±0.1°C accuracy Read More »


California based company, Integrated Device Technology (IDT) has recently announced their new HS300x family of MEMS high-performance relative humidity (RH) and temperature sensors of dimension 3.0 × 2.41 × 0.8 mm DFN-style 6-pin LGA. Currently, there are four devices in this family—the HS3001, HS3002, HS3003, and HS3004. They are all the same from the view of functionality but differ slightly in terms of the accuracy of …


A Temperature Logger to Protect Sea turtles

Data loggers are small, battery-powered devices used to sense and store information in different situations. They include a microprocessor, data storage, one or several sensors and they can record information for a very long period. However, some data loggers do not include sensors, but have ports that allow a sensor to be connected. They are …

A Temperature Logger to Protect Sea turtles Read More »

Temperature Measurement with NTC Thermistors

Thermistors (thermal resistors) are temperature dependent variable resistors. There are two types of thermistors, Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) and Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC). When the temperature increases, PTC thermistor resistance will increase and NTC thermistor resistance will decrease. They exhibit the opposite response when the temperature decreases. Both types of thermistors are used in a …

Temperature Measurement with NTC Thermistors Read More »

Wireless temperature and humidity monitor for baby’s room

This project describes a DIY wireless temperature and humidity monitor for kids’ or infant’s room using the Arduino platform, and inexpensive and easily available ASK transmitter/receiver modules. On the transmitting end, an Arduino nano senses the ambient room temperature and humidity using the DHT22 sensor and transmits the data to a receiving end Arduino over …

Wireless temperature and humidity monitor for baby’s room Read More »