
USBserial device and an AVR atmegaArduino microcontroller

Communication between a USB/serial device and an AVR (atmega/Arduino) microcontroller

I have a device which provides a USB port. If I attach it to a Windows PC it is recognized as a “CP2103 USB to UART Bridge Controller”. According to the device documentation, it should communicate in serial format at 38400bps.I have to talk to this device with a atmega microcontroller. Since the USB pinout …

Communication between a USB/serial device and an AVR (atmega/Arduino) microcontroller Read More »

Integrated Sensor and L298N Motor Shield (2)

Compact 3-in-1 Stripboard DIYduino with Integrated Sensor and L298N Motor Shield Using Arduino

I am presenting a compact design of a stripboard Arduino board (DIYduino) that includes a 2A motor driver and has additionally the functionality of a sensor shield. The 2-channel version cost approximately $29.43 and is more affordable compared to $39.00 for a commercially available system consisting of an Arduino Uno, $21.50, a sensor shield, $8.50, and a motor …

Compact 3-in-1 Stripboard DIYduino with Integrated Sensor and L298N Motor Shield Using Arduino Read More »

Teensy MIDI USB foot controller for controlling Mobius Looper

Teensy MIDI USB foot controller for controlling Mobius Looper using Arduino

Motivation: Playing in a 2 piece band, with the drums and lots of other samples being played back as backing tracks, there was a need to use a looper to add in more elements to the tracks. A hardware based looper fails in this respect, since there is no way to maintain synchronisation. Meaning, slight …

Teensy MIDI USB foot controller for controlling Mobius Looper using Arduino Read More »

USB HID Mididevice (1)

Turn your Arduino Uno into an USB-HID-Mididevice

While building an Arduino Uno based Midi-Controller for Ableton Live, I came across the HIDUINO project ( ). It allows you to turn your Arduino Uno (or any other device using an AVR-USB chipset like the 8u2) into a driverless HID/Midi device. It’s much more comfortable than using a software based serial to midi …

Turn your Arduino Uno into an USB-HID-Mididevice Read More »