Using Arduino

Arduino Connect several digital inputs to one analog input

Connect several digital inputs to one analog input using Arduino

I often run out of digital pins on my Arduino. Anything as complicated as, say, a video game controller, was near impossible with the amount of pins I had available. Multiplexing buttons works, but it requires lots of connections and soldering. So, I put together a solution! Step 1: Resistor Dividers in Five In a …

Connect several digital inputs to one analog input using Arduino Read More »

Teensy MIDI USB foot controller for controlling Mobius Looper

Teensy MIDI USB foot controller for controlling Mobius Looper using Arduino

Motivation: Playing in a 2 piece band, with the drums and lots of other samples being played back as backing tracks, there was a need to use a looper to add in more elements to the tracks. A hardware based looper fails in this respect, since there is no way to maintain synchronisation. Meaning, slight …

Teensy MIDI USB foot controller for controlling Mobius Looper using Arduino Read More »