Multiple mode Environmental Sensor Deck with MKR1000 Using Arduino

Multiple mode Environmental Sensor Deck with MKR1000 (1)

Many fun environmental sensors need a hardware interrupt. With the MKR1000, you no longer need to choose! You get I2C, analog ins too!

Multiple mode Environmental Sensor Deck with MKR1000 (1)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino MKR1000
× 1
MOD-1016 Lightning Sensor
× 1
DFRobot MQ-9 Gas Sensor
× 1
Adafruit Humidity and Temperature Sensor
× 1
Pressure/Altitude/Temperature Sensor
Adafruit Pressure/Altitude/Temperature Sensor
× 1
SparkFun ML8511 UV Sensor
× 1
chronodot RTC
× 1
SparkFun Photon Weather Shield
× 1
Adafruit neopixels
× 1
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
× 1
Jumper wires (generic)
× 1


I love watching the weather, and I wanted to try to capture and graph it. Home weather stations let me see the details for “now”, and sometimes tallies for the past hour, or day. I wanted to do more, and use an Arduino for the job. Everyone starts with Temperature and Humidity, sometimes Barometric Pressure, but I wanted more! Wind speed and rain measurement each wanted hardware inputs. Once I’d mastered using i2c, I found things like the AS3935 Lightning Detector! And then the sadness set in… I didn’t have enough hardware interrupts to do the job with your basic Arduino. Sparkfun even has a weather sensor board for the Photon, but it’s still limited. I’d have to choose, and do without some of the sensors. 🙁

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