The Candied Dead Baby is an Arduino-controlled interactive halloween decoration. It has been designed, created and assembled by three industrial design engeneering students from Elisava.

When someone approaches to get some candy, the ultrasonic sensor activates the servomotor and the buzzer. The servomotor opens the box that appears as full of candy, but inside there’s a beheaded baby doll, and at the same time the buzzer starts making a repeatedly uncomfortable noise.
So this is how we achieved this scary experience:
Step 1: Supplies

A1 – Arduino Board
A2 – Piezoelectric buzzer
A3 – Ultrasonic sensor
A4 – Clear methacrylate box
B1 – 400 Tie Points BreadBoard
B2 – Female to male Dupont wires
B3 – BreadBoard jumping wires
B4 – Doll
C1 – Servomotor SG90
C2 – Wooden Box
C3 – Wooden stick ( only one )
C4 – CardBoard
The tools we used in the making of the The Candied Dead Baby:
– Insulating Tape
– Arduino Software
– Silicone Gun
– Fake Blood
– Computer
– Scissors
– Clay
– String
– Screws
– Marker Pen
Step 2: Connect the Servomotor, the Piezoelectric Buzzer and the Ultrasonic Sensor

Step 3: Sketch the Prototype

Step 4: Arduino Flowchart

Step 5: Create the Prototype

We used two pair of screws to attach the top part , made out of cardboard, to the clear box.
Step 6: Attach the Servomotor

Step 7: Incorporate the Electrical Part and the Sensor

Step 8: Build in the Baby

Step 9: Upload Code to Arduino

Step 10: Connect Arduino to Battery or Computer
The last step is to upload to code from the Arduino Software to the Arduino Board, and connect the Board to a power source (9V battery or computer).
To connect it to the computer you will need a USB cable compatible with Arduino.
To connect it to a battery you will need a DC Cable PPBAT Battery Clip and a 9V battery.
Both options are equally valid. In our case we used a computer connected with the USB to Arduino cable.
Read more: HALLOWEEN PROJECT: the Candied Dead Baby