Wifi Enabled 2/4 Wheeled Robot Platform Utilizing MKR1000 Using Arduino

Wheeled Robot Platform

WIP- Using a MKR1000 to create a WiFi Enabled 2/4 Wheeled Robot Platform, Hardware is in hand, now to implement softwareWheeled Robot Platform

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino MKR1000
I was one of 1000 who won this
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SparkFun Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298
Any L298N DC Motor driver will do that’s Adafruit Shield compatible
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Adafruit Robot platform
Any 2/4 wheeled Robotic platform base can be used-I am building both-add DC Motors in Servo enclosure. This was inspiration platform for the MKR1000
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SainSmart HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
I used a SainSmart Clone – these sensors can be purchased very cheap
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Adafruit DC Motor in Servo Enclosure
Buy either two or four- based upon platform to based upon
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Adafruit Wheel for Micro Continuous Rotation FS90R Servo
Buy two or four-based upon platform to based upon
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UltraFire Rechargeable 4000 mAh Battery & Enclosure – 3.7v to 9v AA/18650
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Jumper wires (generic)
Any style and color with proper termination
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servo motors
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Arduino Stacking Headers
You’ll need 2 kits, 2x 6-pin, and 2x x-pin
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Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Solder- Rosen core generic
Heat Shrink Tubing
Philips Screwdriver- various sizes
adjustable wrench
needle nose plyer


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