We know the analog potentiometer , is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding contact that forms an adjustable voltage divider .
MCP41100 an Arduino Controlled Potentiometer:
1)volume controls on audio equipment.
2) Control the amplifier Gain and offset .
3) Transducer ” displacement transducers “.
and many Other application , But did you you want to control the resistance value by Microcontroller instead of using analog one ?
Analog potentiometers have some problem with MCU , Microcontroller doesn’t have an easy way to interface with them .
The Digital Potentiometer , give you an ability to adjust the resistance ,allowing you to control a voltage splitter with digital signals
In this simple instructable I will show you how to control Digital Potentiometer MCP41100 Using Arduino IDE .

1) Arduino Board .
2)Digital Potentiometer MCP41100 .
3)Resistor 100 Ohm
The pin Configuration for MCP41100 above , very easy .
This IC using SPI Protocol to communicate with Arduino Board .
Step 2: Calculate the resistance .
Ok , now we will look at this table , which is show who we can Calculate the Output resistance .
MCP41100 Have a sensitivity of 8bit , 256 taps for each potentiometer will taken from .
The MCP41100 Nominal resistane equal 100K ohm “Rab” and from the Datasheet , The wiper resistance is 125 ohm”Typical” ,
For example , if we write 222 to MCP41100 ,The resistance will equal :
Rwa= (100*10^3)*(256-222)/256 – 125 = 13.41K ohm .
Step 3: Arduino Code
The arduino Code below :
/* this program taken from arduino Example . modified by By Mohannad Rawashdeh http://www.genotronex.com http://www.instructables.com/ This code used to control the digital potentiometer MCP41100 connected to arduino Board CS >>> D10 SCLK >> D13 DI >>> D11 PA0 TO VCC PBO TO GND PW0 TO led with resistor 100ohm . */ #include <SPI.h> byte address = 0x11; int CS= 10; int i=0; void setup() { pinMode (CS, OUTPUT); SPI.begin(); // adjust high and low resistance of potentiometer // adjust Highest Resistance . digitalPotWrite(0x00); delay(1000); // adjust wiper in the Mid point . digitalPotWrite(0x80); delay(1000); // adjust Lowest Resistance . digitalPotWrite(0xFF); delay(1000); } void loop() { for (i = 0; i <= 255; i++) { digitalPotWrite(i); delay(10); } delay(500); for (i = 255; i >= 0; i--) { digitalPotWrite(i); delay(10); } } int digitalPotWrite(int value) { digitalWrite(CS, LOW); SPI.transfer(address); SPI.transfer(value); digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
Step 4: Simple applications :Motor drive controller and LED Controller
This Is a simple example to control the speed of DC Motor using555 timer , PWM Technique
the arduino Code :
/* this program taken from arduino Example . modified by By Mohannad Rawashdeh http://www.genotronex.com This code used to control the digital potentiometer MCP41100 connected to arduino Board CS >>> D10 SCLK >> D13 DI >>> D11 PA0 TO VCC PBO TO GND PW0 TO led with resistor 100ohm . */ #include <SPI.h> byte address=0x11; int CS= 10; void setup() { pinMode (CS, OUTPUT); SPI.begin(); // adjust high and low resistance of potentiometer // adjust Highest Resistance . digitalPotWrite(0x00); delay(1000); // adjust wiper in the Mid point . digitalPotWrite(0x80); delay(1000); // adjust Lowest Resistance . digitalPotWrite(0xFF); delay(1000); } void loop() { for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) { digitalPotWrite(i); delay(10); } delay(1000); for (int i = 255; i >= 0; i--) { digitalPotWrite(i); delay(5); } } int digitalPotWrite(int value) { digitalWrite(CS, LOW); SPI.transfer(address); SPI.transfer(value); digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
Video :