Hi guys, I bring a new instructable for arduino, the control access with password, 4×4 keypad and a servo.
We will use the Password and Keypad librarie for arduino, besides using the servo library, but this project can also be modified by changing the servo, a motor reley or motor stepper, or any other ideas …
This project can be used in different cases, for doors, Servo action, etc..
Step 2: Preparing the keypad
Well, now we must put the resistors,remember the potion of the pins of the keypad.
Output pins of keypad:
1 pin = col 1
2 pin = col 2
3 pin = col 3
4 pin = col 4
5 pin = row 1
6 pin = row 2
7 pin = row 3
8 pin = row 4
(look at the second image)
Now they must put three 910 ohm resistors on pin 1, 2 and 3 of the keypad, then put in the arduino digital pins of the NEXT form:
pins keypad | pins arduino
1 | 8
2 | 7
3 | 6
4 | 9
5 | 5
6 | 4
7 | 3
8 | 2
Step 3: Preparing the Servo
You need put the servo of the next form :
Step 4: Connecting the LEDs
You need put Accepted LED (green) and Denied LED (red) in this way:
Read more: Access control with Arduino plus Keypad 4×4 plus Servo