Week 11: Networking with ESP8266 Using Atmega

Week 11 Networking

For this week I set out to make a board that will show realtime MBTA bus arrival times using the ESP8266 wifi module and a LCD. Seemed doable. People of the internet have been excited about the ESP8266 lately. Here is a snapshot of google trends for searches for esp8266 vs couple of other arduino favorite processors.

Week 11 Networking

That’s the rough plan. I run the atmega32u4 and the LCD at 5V. The ESP8266 I power at 3.3V using a regulator. As for the logic chatter, I feed the 3.3V output of the ESP8266 to the atmega and I feed the output of the atmega through a voltage divider to bring it to 3.3V suitable for the ESP8266. This turned out to be a mistake that I will discover 15 hours later.

schematic Week 11 Networking

Mounting the lcd

I got a package from adafruits.com that I am modifying. First copy the package by

  • opening target library
  • selecting the device in the main window nav tree
  • right-click copy to library

To get the mill to drill holes where needed, I am using the circle tool to draw filled cirlces (width 0).

ESP8266 package

I am making an eagle package and device for esp8266 header.

  • copy over a suitable part from another library (MA04-2 from con-lsb, a 4×2 header)
  • open my library
  • right click on part from source library
  • click copy to library
  • rename the package withrename MA04-2.pac ESP8266_HDR_REVin the command bar
  • click package and select the package to edit
  • get rid of all the crap that’s there (outline etc)
  • add circles in the milling layer
  • use name tool to give names (GND, RST, GPIO2, etc.)
  • added some helpful text in the document layer
  • create a new symbol (ESP8266)
  • use pin tool to lay down 8 pins in row
  • use name tool to add the same names I used in the package step
  • create new device (ESP8266) (click device, pick a new name)
  • use the place tool (plug thingie) to add the newly created symbol
  • click new on the lower right to add the package
  • click connect and go through and connect all the pins with all the pads


Prep for milling

  • display none top pads to get the traces
  • display none milling to get the milling guides
  • display none outline to get the outline

I separated the holes and outline to make sure the board outline doesn’t get cut before the holes are drilled.

Now it looks like I am just shy of the mill diameter for the holes. I have to lie about the tool diameter again (0.75mm instead of the actual 0.79mm)

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