The Project aims at controlling a wheelchair for handicaps by means of human voice. The speech recognition system is a useful way of implementation and is easy to use programmable speech recognition circuit. Programmable, in the sense that user can train the words (or vocal utterances) he needs the circuit to recognize. This board allows the user to experiment with many facets of speech recognition technology. It has 8-bit data out, which can be interfaced with any microcontroller for further development. Some of interfacing applications which can be made are controlling home appliances, wheelchair movements, Speech Assisted technologies, Speech to text translation, and many more.
The wheelchair is controlled by voice commands. This can be moved in forward and reverse direction using geared motors of 60RPM. Also this wheelchair is a type of robot which can take sharp turnings towards left and right directions. This project uses PIC16F72 MCU as its controller. This project uses 6V battery.
In this project, the controlling of a wheelchair by speech will be studied. Commands are spoken into a microphone, followed by an action by the wheelchair. Voice Controlled Wheelchair is a kind of a mobile robot whose motions can be controlled by the user by giving specific voice commands. The speech recognition software running on a PC is capable of identifying the 5 voice commands ‘Run’, ‘Stop’, ‘Left’, ’Right’ and ‘Back’ issued by a particular user. After processing the speech, the necessary motion instructions are given to the mobile platform via a RF link.
The speech recognition software is speaker dependant. The special feature of the application is the ability of the software to train itself for the voice commands(‘Run’, ‘Stop’, ‘Left’, ’Right’ and ‘Back’) for a particular user. The graphical user interface running along with the software provides a very convenient method for the users to train. It also provides many other facilities in operating the wheelchair.
In this project we will be using visual basic (VB6.0) as our speech recognition application.
PIC 16f72 Microcontroller
RF 434MHz Tx-Rx
Electro-magnetic Relays
Mike/ Microphone
Geared motors
Serial port- RS232
IC 7805- Voltage regulator
Crystal oscillator
The speech recognition system is a useful and easy to use programmable speech recognition circuit. Programmable, in the sense that user can train the words (or vocal utterances) he needs the circuit to recognize. This board allows the user to experiment with many facets of speech recognition technology. It has 8 bit data out which can be interfaced with any microcontroller for further development. Some of interfacing applications which can be made are controlling home appliances, robotics movements, Speech Assisted technologies, Speech to text translation, and many more.
Robotics has been of interest to mankind for over hundred years. However our perception of robots has been influenced by the media and Hollywood. The vast majority of robots do have several qualities in common. First of all, almost all robots have a movable body. Some only have motorized wheels, and others have dozens of movable segments, typically made of metal or plastic. Like the bones in your body, the individual segments are connected together with joints.
This robot is controlled by voice commands. This can be moved forward and reverse direction using geared motors of 60RPM. Also this robot can take sharp turnings towards left and right directions. This project uses PIC16F72 MCU as its controller. This project uses 12V battery. Voice based robotic control is an interesting voice based project, mainly useful for industrial applications, surveillance applications. This project gives exact concept of controlling a robot by a voice instruction. This project is the first step to design of voice based robotic automation projects.
The speech recognition system is easy to use programmable speech recognition circuit. Programmable, in the sense that the system to be trained the words (or vocal utterances) user wants the circuit to recognize. This board allows us to experiment with many facets of speech recognition technology. It has 8 bit data out which can be interfaced with any microcontroller. Some of interfacing applications which can be made are controlling home appliances, robotics movements, Speech Assisted technologies, Speech to text translation, and many more.
Hence, our project uses a speech recognition application installed in a PC. This application is used through a RS232 port which gives access to the micro controller and the other hardware circuit. A mike is connected to the PC, when we speak a specific command whose respective program is stored in the PC through the mike then our hardware (wheelchair) will move according to the given command. The entire working is further explained with the help of circuit diagram.
To reduce complexity we have divided the circuit in following parts –
1. Power supply
2. PC ( speech recognition application )
3. Motor driving circuit
4. RF transmitter and receiver
5. Microcontroller

The working of voice operated wheelchair can be explained in the following steps-
Step 1– The very first step requires installing the software used for voice recognition i.e. VB 6.0 along with the additional Microsoft direct text-speech tool on a computer.
Step 2– After installing the software we check the working of our software part by speaking through mike, if the front end of VB recognizes the command then it shows a message box in which the spoken command is written.
Step 3– Once the speech recognition part is installed and checked then comes the connecting of RF transmitter to the serial port of PC using MAX232 and a 9V battery is also connected to the transmitter for running it. The transmitter receives serial data from the PC and transmits it.
Step 4– Now we connect the 9V batteries to RF receiver, two H-bridge circuits and the voltage regulator. Now our hardware is ready to receive command and move according to the user.
Step 5– Now when the user speaks a command in to mike then a transmitted signal is received is then it is send to the i/p pin of port C (C4 i.e. 15) and the microcontroller reads the command and compares the values of port C according to the following table.
Operation |
C0 |
C1 |
C2 |
C3 |
Forward |
High |
Low |
High |
Low |
Backward |
Low |
High |
Low |
High |
Right |
Low |
High |
High |
Low |
Left |
High |
Low |
Low |
High |
As the above table describes the various movements of wheelchair due to the high and
low values set by the microcontroller to the o/p pins of port C i.e pin number from 11-14