
Outlet Construction

ESP8266 Temperature Controlled Relay Using Arduino

A friend of mine is a scientist who does experiments that are very sensitive to air temperature and humidity. The incubator room has a small ceramic heater but the heater’s thermostat was not nearly accurate enough, only able to maintain the temperature within 10-15 degrees. Commercial devices that log temperature and humidity can be quite …

ESP8266 Temperature Controlled Relay Using Arduino Read More »

Arduino USB

LOG: Made a correction/modification Step 3 and added a picture step 5. So many Arduino users have RBBBs(Really Bare Bones Board (Arduino))  or Anarduinos or Boarduinos that could use a USB interface to program and power them but don’t want to spend $15-20 for a USB BUB or FTDI cable. This Lazy Old Geek is …

Arduino USB Read More »

Beach Buddy (1)

Beach Buddy: 3-in-1 Solar Phone Charger, Boombox, and Sunburn Timer Calculator Using Arduino

Imagine the ideal beach trip. The sun is shining, the skies are blue, the water is warm, and the humidity is low. You and your friends have everything you need to soak up the sun, sand and surf: a cooler filled with drinks and snacks, sunblock, flip flops, the coolest new swimwear, and the newest …

Beach Buddy: 3-in-1 Solar Phone Charger, Boombox, and Sunburn Timer Calculator Using Arduino Read More »

The smallest USB Arduino

Digispark DIY: The smallest USB Arduino

Digispark is an ATtiny85 based microcontroller development board come with USB interface. Coding is similar to Arduino, and it use the familiar Arduino IDE for development. Digispark is copyrighted by Digistump LLC ( and the full license is here: Specification: Support for the Arduino IDE 1.0+ (OSX/Win/Linux) Power via USB or External Source – 5v or 7-35v (automatic …

Digispark DIY: The smallest USB Arduino Read More »