
DIY Telepresence Documentation

DIY Telepresence Documentation Using Arduino

This is the documentation page for the Spring 2012 DIY Telepresence project. Here you will find schematics, software, and guides for the robot. The goal of the project was to design a low-cost, easy to build telepresence robot. Some of the features include: Segway based mobility plane Robot arm Aluminum frame Two way-video conferencing using …

DIY Telepresence Documentation Using Arduino Read More »

arduino LEDs from a reprogramable (2)

Tiny Wearable LED kit – 12 PWM LEDs from a reprogramable ATtiny85 using Arduino

This instructable covers the assembly and use of a Tiny Wearable LED kit.  The kit is useable immediately but is desigend to be hackable and can be reprogrammed to your liking using an ISP programmer or Arduino board and the Arduino IDE. There are not too many tiny implementations of microcontrollers.  The Arduino lillypad is …

Tiny Wearable LED kit – 12 PWM LEDs from a reprogramable ATtiny85 using Arduino Read More »