
board labeled

Frequency Division Multiplexing for a Multi-Sensor Wireless Telemetry System Using Atmel MEGA32L

Our System acquires several different sensor inputs, FM modulates each level by manipulating Direct Digital Synthesis increment values, transmits the resulting signal on a commercial FM radio band, and receives and decodes the original sensor levels. Introduction The problem of encoding multiple input signals into a finite bandwidth space is one that is common in …

Frequency Division Multiplexing for a Multi-Sensor Wireless Telemetry System Using Atmel MEGA32L Read More »

Hand controller for Parrot AR Drone Quadricopter

Hand controller for Parrot AR Drone Quadricopter Using Atmega644

Introduction Our project is a novel hand held controller in which we use an accelerometer to wirelessly control the motion of a Parrot AR Drone Quadricopter. Rationale: The main idea of our project was building a cool glove controller for a flying platform, a quadrotor in this case, which would give the user a different …

Hand controller for Parrot AR Drone Quadricopter Using Atmega644 Read More »

Biometric Attendance System Circuit scamatic

Biometric Attendance System Circuit Using Atmega

Biometrics is the emerging technology used for identification. Biometric refers to automatic identification of a person based on biological characters such as finger print, iris, facial recognition, etc. In this article finger print based attendance system is proposed. Attendance in educational institutions, industries will require more paper work and time. To reduce this, automatic attendance …

Biometric Attendance System Circuit Using Atmega Read More »

TW Devices

Working with TWI (I2C) sensors / Devices Using Atmega

Introduction The I2C is a multimaster, multislave serial single-ended computer bus and was invented by Philips in 1982. The atmel microcontrollers use a compatible  to I2C serial bus that is named TWI (Two Wire Interface). The  TWI supports serial communication at 100 kHz and 400 kHz. The master and slave devices that are connected to TWI bus have a …

Working with TWI (I2C) sensors / Devices Using Atmega Read More »