
DS1820 Temperature controller (1)

DS1820 Temperature Controller using atmega8515 microcontroller

This project displays the temperature on an LCD display with an resolution of 0.06degrees. DS1820 is used for sensing the temperature. It can measure temperature range from -55deg to +125deg. But i take care of only the possitive temperature. There are 3 switches to change the alarm temperature, the user can increment the Alarm temperature by pressing the UP button and they …

DS1820 Temperature Controller using atmega8515 microcontroller Read More »

compare voltage

PWM Waveform Capture using AVR microcontroller Using Atmega

Described are the waveform capture method, example firmware and hardware designs. This material formed the basis of an article that was first published in the October, 2003 issue of Circuit Cellar magazine. The only components added to the operating Atmel AT90S2313 circuit (one capacitor and two resistors) to allow  waveform sampling with < 1 microsecond resolution …

PWM Waveform Capture using AVR microcontroller Using Atmega Read More »


Make a Web Connected Robot (for about $500) (using an Arduino and Netbook) Using Atmega

This Instructable will show you how to build your own Web Connected Robot (using an Arduino micro-controller and Asus eee pc). Why would you want a Web Connected Robot? To play with of course. Drive your robot from across the room or across the country, using nothing more than Skype and a web browser (nothing …

Make a Web Connected Robot (for about $500) (using an Arduino and Netbook) Using Atmega Read More »