
Audio Spectrum Analyser

Audio spectrum analyzer using PIC18F4550

Introduction This project implements a real-time audio spectrum analyser using a PIC18F4550 8-bit microcontroller. The spectrum frequency analysis is performed by a highly optimised 16-bit Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) routine coded entirely in C. The output from the FFT is displayed using a 128×64 graphical LCD to allow a real-time view of an audio signal. …

Audio spectrum analyzer using PIC18F4550 Read More »

A Microcontroller Based Turbidity Meter

A Microcontroller Based Turbidity Meter using AtmelMega32

Introduction Low-Cost Turbidity Meter for Underdeveloped Countries Our project is a collaboration with an independent research project being conducted by senior civil and environmental engineering student James Berg. The goal of this project is to create a low cost turbidity meter for use in under developed countries. Real laboratory turbidity meters can cost over $1000.Our …

A Microcontroller Based Turbidity Meter using AtmelMega32 Read More »

Gesture Recognition

Gesture Recognition Based on Scratch Inputs Using Atmega644

Contents Introduction High Level Design Program/Hardware Design Results of the Design Conclusions Appendix A: Commented Code Gesture Recognition Code PC Interface Code Appendix B: Schematics Appendix C: Cost Details Appendix D: Tasks Appendix E: Gestures References Introduction Our project utilizes a microphone placed in a stethoscope to recognize various gestures when a fingernail is dragged …

Gesture Recognition Based on Scratch Inputs Using Atmega644 Read More »