
Handwriting Recognition System

Handwriting Recognition System Using Atmel Mega32

I.       Introduction Simply write; your computer will undersand! We have designed and implemented a Handwriting Recognition System using a touch screen from a Palm Pilot m125, a black and white TV and a Mega32 microcontroller. Unfortunately, due to the lack of specifications regarding the built-in LCD on the Palm Pilot, we were unable to reverse …

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Fart Intensity Detector

Fart Intensity Detector Using Atmega644

INTRODUCTION Our project is a fart intensity detector which ranks fart magnitude on a scale from 0-9 according to sound, temperature, and gas concentrations. The inspiration for this project was to determine who could generate the worst flatulence measurable in a personally unbiased manner. To do so, however, requires measuring the intensity of these emissions. …

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Ultrasonic Haptic Vision System

Ultrasonic Haptic Vision System using Atmega644

Introduction The ultrasonic haptic vision system enables a person to navigate hallways and around large objects without sight, through the use of an ultrasonic rangefinder that haptically interfaces with the user via tiny vibrating motors mounted on the users head.  The idea behind this project was to construct a sixth sensory system that interacts with …

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Automated Pavlovian

Automated Pavlovian Classical Conditioning of Insects Using Atmega644

Introduction Several studies have shown that various insects possess learning and memory abilities. One approach researchers use to demonstrate such abilities is to “teach” the insect to exhibit a specific behavior in response to a stimulus. This “teaching” process is called Pavlovian conditioning. Such studies are often difficult to conduct because they require accurate timing …

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