Hello, friends. I have designed at the request of a teacher stepper motor driver circuit I want to share with you. System is going to start actually quite a few. But barely was able... Electronics Projects, Stepper Motor Driver with PIC16F628A L297 L298 Circuit “microchip projects, microcontroller projects, motor control circuit, motor driver circuit, pic16f628 projects, pwm circuits, “
Hello, friends. I have designed at the request of a teacher stepper motor driver circuit I want to share with you. System is going to start actually quite a few. But barely was able to finish due to the intensity of work.
I made the drive has been designed as general. So it does not serve any particular purpose. In short, was to observe the operation of stepper motors can say. I have done with the drive stepper motor with a step angle of 1.8 or 7.5 can be used. Engine Full and Half-driving mode can take. In addition to the previously set speed can remove one touch. Or the engine can move step by step.
As the title suggests, L297 and L298 at the binary driver I used. Through integrating these two stepper motors can do many operations on /
As usual as the main control PIC16F628 and LCD 2X8 in the process I use to view. L297 clock frequency of PIC16F628 ‘s RB3 pin PWM hardware module that promise. Also L297’N Enable, CW-CCW and HALF / FULL pinlerini I’m checking with the 16F628. I like the hardware in general.
Read more: STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER WITH PIC16F628A L297 L298 CIRCUIT L297 L298 Stepper Motor Driver with PIC16F628A files: stepper-motor-driver-with-pic16f628a-l297-l298-circuit.rar