Using Arduino

Integrated Sensor and L298N Motor Shield (2)

Compact 3-in-1 Stripboard DIYduino with Integrated Sensor and L298N Motor Shield Using Arduino

I am presenting a compact design of a stripboard Arduino board (DIYduino) that includes a 2A motor driver and has additionally the functionality of a sensor shield. The 2-channel version cost approximately $29.43 and is more affordable compared to $39.00 for a commercially available system consisting of an Arduino Uno, $21.50, a sensor shield, $8.50, and a motor …

Compact 3-in-1 Stripboard DIYduino with Integrated Sensor and L298N Motor Shield Using Arduino Read More »

toy piano

Convert a toy piano to work as a midi device and use it with Synthesia using Arduino

Goal of this project: Convert a cheap toy piano to work as a midi device and use it with Synthesia ( Other programs that use midi inputs can also be used. Approach: The pushbuttons of the piano are used to make a simple pull-down circuit for the arduino mega. The arduino interprets the keystrokes and …

Convert a toy piano to work as a midi device and use it with Synthesia using Arduino Read More »

ATtiny programmer using Arduino ISP (1)

ATtiny programmer using Arduino ISP

Thanks to: For relatively small (less number of pins than ATmega328) projects, ATtiny series, ATtiny45 or Attiny85 are good choice in terms of its physical size (8-DIP or 8-SOIC)  and low power consumption. There are many ways to program it. One of the popular device is USBtinyISP and DASA. Both of them work very well with WinAVR (AVRdude). I’d like …

ATtiny programmer using Arduino ISP Read More »

MP3 Interface for Arduino (1)

MP3 Interface for Arduino

I have added a follow-on to this Instructable: The follow-on shows you how to design, etch and build a PCB shield to connect the MP3 to the Arduino. Replaces the analog switches with a 74HC244. SIngle layer board with large surface mount component design. Only 5 thru holes. Take a look. Ebay abounds with sales …

MP3 Interface for Arduino Read More »