The SHT15 is a digital humidity sensor that outputs a fully calibrated humidity reading. And… because what we are measuring is actually relative humidity, and relative humidity being relative to temperature, the SHT15 has a builtin digital thermometer. This makes things much easier to work with than sensors without a thermometer onboard. You can pick one up from sparkFun here.
Hooking it up
The SHT15 uses a two-wire connection for communication that is similar to, but not, I2C. So we wont be able to use the Arduino’s dedicated lines for this. The down side is it is a bit slower to get readings from, the plus side is that you can connect it to any 2 digital pins you want. We are using pins 2 and 3 on our arduino.
BEFORE YOU SOLDER IT UP… Note that this board can not be washed! So if you are using flux, or solder that you normally clean up, don’t (They actually recommend to use “no-clean” solder just so you don’t have to worry about it). And be extremely careful not to get it wet at all.

Read more: Sensing Humidity With The SHT15 + Arduino