Temperature monitoring have wide application in daily life. In modern day keeping an eye on temperature of places such as server rooms, hospital rooms, warehouses and green houses can help solve many problems. But with the use of normal temperature sensors, someone needs to go to the place in order to view the temperature. But with the development of GSM network, one can easily connect the sensor with GSM network, so that you don’t need to be present near the sensor in order to view the temperature. You can just pick up your cell phone and send a request to your sensor by a text message and in no time you will receive the temperature of the remote place !
The advantage is the you don’t need any kind of “special” device at the receiver end. You can use any cell phone to view the remote temperature. This reduces cost as you already have a cell phone.
Other benefit is that the range is not limited. You can be at any place in the world (with mobile coverage of course!), to request temperature data from your room.
Construction of the Project
We have selected xBoard MINI v2.1 as the base to develop our project. This is because it has all the peripherals required for this project. It has an ATmega8 connected with a 16×2 character LCD Module, Temperature Sensor LM35 and a connector for USART. It has some other peripherals too, but they are NOT utilized in this project, they are:-
- IR Remote
- Keypad
- Real time clock and calendar.
Step I
Remove the MAX232 IC from the xBoard MINI.

Fig. Main Screen |
The home screen shows the current temperature as measured by the on board sensor of xBoard MINI. The status area shows a beating heart. This heart signifies that the program is running and everything is ok.
Now a take a mobile phone and compose a message like this :-
here GET is the command and T is the parameter.