I’m trying to build this dual DC motor module for my robot project
And I did not have the space for placing an ICSP pin header on the PCB.
So i quickly mocked up this design.
Step 1: Geting the parts
Well to build the ICSP socket with header for the PICkit 2. We need 1part experiment board I used the one with raster 2.54mm holes where every 3 are connected in rows of solder islands.
I had one 18pin DIL IC socket just lying around so i used that one. (the 16F676 is a 14pin chip)
and i took 5pins angled pin header (Always have lots of break of pin headers at home.)
and some AWG26 PTFE red and yellow wire.
Step 2: Drawing
Well this is pretty straight forward just draw out your design on the experiment PCB
Just follow this table, for the 16f676.. I have not checked it up but this may be the same for all 14pin pic16F***
ICSP connector function pic pin
2 VDD 1
3 VSS 14
I did the mistake in this step not looking at my programmer, to see that the wires should be inverted, wire 1 moved to the top wire 5 to the bottom and so on. If you want to see your socket and pic programmer lights facing the same way. just be sure to draw it the other way or place the header pins facing right instead of left that will fix it to.
Step 3: Cut Your Wires
Yes it’s as simple as it sounds. Do some eye measurements pull out your handy wire thingy tool of the trade. (AvisoleringstÃ¥ng) If you want the wires to be easier to insert into the PCB holes solder the tips. then bend them.
Read more: Pic 16F676 ICSP programing socket for the PICkit 2 programer