Persistence Of Vision sing Arduino

Persistence Of Vision

Persistence of vision is an optical illusion, it works on a simple phenomenon how our day to day television works. MY first pov was six months before with arduino uno and with motor. However it is best to have a small and portable device that can be carried anywhere and image can be seen without any external motors or fan.Persistence Of Vision

This small portable pov version uses attiny 85 ic, smaller variant of arduino uno that uses atmega 328 ic. This time, I made pov to give my sister as a gift .There are many tutorials on how to make pov but lot of them have tons of wires and motors and many a time uses the arduino uno board itself .so I thought, to come with no wire small pov with built in power source and a switch. By switching the internal crystal speed to 1 MHZ of attiny85, the image was seen more clearly without any motor. With proper camera shutter speed control the image can be seen nice and clear.

Step 1: Materials and Tools

  1. Arduino UNO
  2. Attiny 85
  3. 5 leds of any colour
  4. Breadboard
  5. soldering ion and solder wire
  6. Cutter
  7. Dotted pcb
  8. Hacksaw
  9. Slider switch
  10. 8 pin ic socket
  11. 3v cr2032 coin cell battery and holder
  12. jumper wires


  1. Cut the Dotted pcb into 9 cm by 3.5 cm using Hacksaw
  2. Solder the led’s on to the board and using cutter cut the extra led foot .
  3. solder the 8 pin ic socket on the board as shown in the picture
  4. Connect the ground of all leds to attiny 85 pin 4
  5. connect the rest of circuit as given in the circuit diagram picture.make sure you use solder bridge technique,as the whole board should have no wires.
  6. check all the connections using multimeter to check if two traces are not shorted.
  7. clean the pcb and now we will solder the switch and battery holder
  8. put the coin cell into holder and check with multimeter which pin is positive and negative
  9. solder the pin of battery holder and slider switch as shown in the picture
  10. connect the 8pin of ic socket to middle pin of slider switch and first pin of slider will to positive terminal of battery holder
  11. Now trace the gnd to connect
  12. check every single connection if shorted use de soldering pump and redo the traces.

Thank you Hemal Chevli for sharing the pcb version of pov

Step 3: PROGRAM an AttinySchematic Persistence Of Vision

Step1. Install the ATtiny support in arduino ide

Read more: Persistence Of Vision

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