NUT4NT, Open-Source 4-Channel GNSS Receiver Development Board

Today, multi-frequency multi-signal satellite navigation equipment is designed by professionals working in large companies. It is also manufactured by large specialized companies. But tomorrow everything will change. NT Lab a fabless semiconductor company – has started to manufacture a four-channel, all-frequency front-end chip: the NT1065. It brings professional navigation to the masses. We are introducing NUT4NT – a development board with NT1065 with a USB 3.0 interface for rapid evaluation of the signals being sampled. The full, continuous sample stream can be captured to a PC for recording and/or processing. Now professional equipment products can be developed and produced even by small or startup companies. For more information about the NT1065, please refer to its specification sheet.

Welcome to a new age of multi-frequency, software-defined GNSS receivers

The core of NUT4NT is the NT1065 chip, which NUT4NT implements in a two-input and four-input system. The main use case of the NT1065 chip is centimeter level precision positioning. This is possible even without the RTK algorithm, which requires a high quality antenna with low phase center variation and sufficient time to converge. The dual input NUT4NT is ideal for this use, providing rapid evaluation of receiving system. Developers can set all the modes of NT1065, capture samples and process it offline or online, in real time.
NUT4NT, Open-Source 4-Channel GNSS Receiver Development BoardThe second use case of the NT1065 is as an array antenna processing system for jammer or interference mitigation. Using the NUT4NT with four inputs, fast evaluation of complex antenna array processing systems in the software is simplified.

Precision drone positioning

Drone developers mostly require precision positioning. Today, they use RTK systems with a base on the ground and a rover in the air. This is both expensive and heavy, with the equipment sometimes weighing more than the drone. A NUT4NT with the dual-frequency antenna provides a lighter, cheaper solution, allowing a new generation of drone developers to evaluate autonomous precision positioning quickly, easily, and affordably.
NUT4NT, Open-Source 4-Channel GNSS Receiver Development Board 1

Driverless vehicles

The developers of autonomous vehicles need robust and precise positioning in an urban environment. This is very important for people’s safety. The requirements are almost the same as for military anti-jamming equipment. But there is no economical way to use military grade systems in massive autonomous vehicle applications. The NUT4NT with dual-frequency antenna or antenna array provides a very low-cost solution for a precision positioning system with interference mitigation.

Features and specifications

NUT4NT: the multi-frequency, multi-signal, satellite navigation front-end receiver board. The NUT4NT is connected to the PC by a USB 3.0 interface. The hardware is open source. The software provides the ability to set a receiver’s modes and frequencies, to capture all signals continuously, and to make an example of primary processing features. The software is open source.
Read More: NUT4NT, Open-Source 4-Channel GNSS Receiver Development Board

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