A 2 line X 16 character LCD display that is battery operated and works without an external connection.
The basic MinThe basic Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler technology is described and links to other projects on this site that use the Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler are located on the web page, Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler.

two resistors, and a capacitor. Here the display shows the output of the
10 bit scanning voltmeter with Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler. Both the
ferrite loop antenna and the scanning voltmeterare described elsewhere on this site.
Download the AVRStudio assembly source for the program: rftruly040802A.asm
Download the AVRStudio assembly source for the include file: vlfcw2313.inc
Download the AVRStudio assembly source for the program: rftruly040802A.asm
Download the AVRStudio assembly source for the include file: vlfcw2313.inc

This project is an adaptation of A serial interface for the Truly MTC-C162DPLY-2N. Similar to the Minimum Mass Wireless Coupled Frequency Meter project, the firmware was made by adapting that from a finished project. In this case, the part of the code that makes the calls to check for and retrieve data from the UART was modified to also makes calls to check for and retrieve data from the Minimum Mass Wirelss Coupler.