Here are the technical specifications:
- OLED resolution: 96 x 64 pixels
- OLED manufacturer: OSRAM.
- OLED model: Pictiva 1.1 inch OS096064PN11MY0B10 (San Diego.)
- On-board lcd controller SSD1303, with 31 pins connector, can be soldered directly.
- Low power operation (less than 15-25mA @3V, depending on contrast/brightness setting)
- Fast serial interface (only 8 wires needed)
- Molex miniature connector.
- OLED: dimensions: 34 x 24 mm (without flexible ribbon)
- PCB interface: Dimensions: 29 x 22 mm
This OLED modules can be bought in our online shop. You’ll need the interface described below and a PIC microcontroller to get the OLED module running.
Here’s a short movie showing a working module (flickering is due to the camera and the movie’s software compression.)
PIC example Source code (CCS C) , pcb layout and schematics (Eagle) available. Last update: March 24, 2007.
Interface: Eagle PCB layout: 043 – 004.brd – March 24, 2007.
Interface: Eagle Schematics: 043 – 004.sch – March 24, 2007.