Quite a different line following robot project was already in school competition designed for the author as he could a nice job exposes the robot’s appearance sumo robots similar to healthy controls ATMega16 microcontroller… Electronics Projects, Line Following Robot Project Ultrasonic Sensor Circuit Atmega16 CNY70 SFR05 “avr project, microcontroller projects, “

Quite a different line following robot project was already in school competition designed for the author as he could a nice job exposes the robot’s appearance sumo robots similar to healthy controls ATMega16microcontroller (16MHz is used) provided by software GCC WinAVR and AVR Studio 4 was written.
Read more: solarskit.wz.cz/century.html alternative line-following-robot-project-ultrasonic-sensor-circuit-atmega16-cny70-sfr05.rar