Speed Meter Circuit consists of four parts. These Supply solid floor Sensor sensor, microcontroller and microcontroller solid hexadecimal numbers we obtained from the 7-segment display technology with time code converter solid. Program Keil µVision3… Electronics Projects, LED Display Speed Meter Circuit with AT89C51 “8051 example, avr project, keil example, microcontroller projects, “

Speed Meter Circuit consists of four parts. These Supply solid floor Sensor sensor, microcontroller and microcontroller solid hexadecimal numbers we obtained from the 7-segment display technology with time code converter solid. Program Keil µVision3 AT89C51 microcontroller.
Read more: https://320volt.com/en/ds89c430-ile-7-segment-display-gostergeli-hiz-olcumu/ AT89C51 LED Display Speed Meter Circuit keil source code and proteus isis simulation schematic files: led-display-speed-meter-circuit-with-at89c51.rar