In this project, I made an infinity mirror based on a dodecahedron that reacts to sound .

Step 1: Materials
Essential materials:
- Arduino Uno
- 3mm thick 100x50cm MDF
- 2mm thick 100x50cm plexiglass
- 3 meter WS2812B LEDstrip 60 LEDs/m
- Sound Detection Sensor Module 3-PIN
- Thin electric wire (10ish meter total)
- Breadboard
- Perfboard/stripboard
- Simple rectangular rocker switch
- Wall plug to 5V 8A adapter
- 220Ω resistor
- 1 m^2 one-way mirror film (enough to cover the plexiglass pentagons)
- 470uF 16V capacitor
Optional materials:
- Spray paint
- Soldering tools
- Somewhere to laser-cut (you could probably figure saw it with a lot of patience, but laser-cutting is advised)
- Multimeter
- Soap and water
- Small window wiper
- Scissors
- Hobby knife/Stanley knife
- Ruler
- Clear glue (or any strong glue you prefer)
- Insulation tape
Step 2: Breadboard Prototyping

Step 3: Programming
To program the Arduino you need the Arduino IDE software, which you can download here.
Just copy paste the text into the editor and upload it to you Arduino after installing the FastLED library: Sketch > Import Library > FastLED.
Step 4: Cutting Parts

After you cut the frame it should all fit together to form the dodecahedron.
Step 5: Soldering
When you’re absolutely sure that the breadboard prototype works you can continue with soldering. For this, you need to cut the LEDstrip into 30 sections of 5 LEDs. The routing for the wires (which way they should go and if they should be long or short) can be found on the included picture (white being the strips, blue being returning wires and purple being the ribs that were already routed).
I recommend testing the newly added section with the Arduino to make sure everything works in the end. Also, don’t forget that you’re soldering LEDs so you can’t make the current go through them backward and neither can you solder them parallel.
Read more: Infinite Disco