The aim is to create an input system for mobile devices, which is controlled by the movements of the fingers, in this case with the help of a glove.
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Step 1: Creating the Glove Connectors
- Gloves
- 5 sensorFlex(2.2in or 5.4in)
- 7 black breadboard jumper wires (for negative)
- 7 red breadboard jumper wires(for positives)
- 5 green breadboard jumper wires (for signal)
- 2 yellow breadboard jumper wires (for Bluetooth Tx/Rx)
- 5 ohm resistors 330
- 1 PCB Board Perforated
- 1 arduino UNO
- 1 bluetooth module HC-06
Step 2: Welding SensorFlex With Jumpers
- Right: Positive
- Left: Negative
Step 3: Join SensorFlex and the Glove by Sewing

*IMPORTANT: The purpose of this is to move the SensorFlex so close to the fingers as be possible
Step 4: Welding Glove With PCB Board

- Solder the 5 red jumpers to the same bus and 2 red jumpers as Output
- Solder a black jumper with a resistance and a green jumper as Output to the same side of resistance (Between black jumper and resistance)
- Solder the 5 resistance to the same bus and 2 black jumpers as Output
Step 5: Connect With Arduino and Bluetooth
Connect the green jumpers to the Arduino Analog Inputs.
- Thumb jumper = A0
- Index jumper = A1
- Middle jumper = A2
- Ring jumper = A3
- Pinky jumper = A4
Connect a black jumper to the Arduino GND Output and the other to Bluetooth GND Input
Connect a red jumper to the Arduino 5v Output and the other to Bluetooth +5v Input
- Bluetooth Tx -> Pin2 Arduino
- Bluetooth Rx -> Pin3 Arduino
Step 6: Arduino Code
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(2,3);
int flex1 = A0; int flex2 = A1; int flex3 = A2; int flex4 = A3; int flex5 = A4; int valorflex1; int valorflex2; int valorflex3; int valorflex4; int valorflex5; int estadoTotal_valorflex; int num_anterior = 0; int lista_num[] = {2,3,4}; int contador =0;
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); bluetooth.begin(9600);