Using Arduino

Gameboy Clock Electronic Lab TVout

Armadino – an Arduino Gameboy, Clock, Electronic Lab, TVout Console and More…

Some years ago, I came across Mignon and Meggy Jr RGB, and was intrigued enough to want to make something similar, but with a wider screen, more possibilities for experiment and play, and with few parts. I called it Armadino, after seeing an armadillo logo on the spine of a children story book and mixing it with the word …

Armadino – an Arduino Gameboy, Clock, Electronic Lab, TVout Console and More… Read More »


Ultimate Mosquito Swatter Mod for Gamer: Add Kill Counter, Sound, Rechargeable Battery. Using Arduino

Where I live, from spring to autumn we have to compete for territory against tiger mosquito. Local stores offer a impressive list of anti mosquito devices, candles, including sophisticated traps sold a few hundred euros, I even found one sold 2000€ – this give you an idea of how desperate people are to get rid …

Ultimate Mosquito Swatter Mod for Gamer: Add Kill Counter, Sound, Rechargeable Battery. Using Arduino Read More »