For our ECE 4760 final project, we implemented an interactive CPR training dummy which can coach the trainees through the CPR process with a LCD to display instructions.
The prototype CPR training dummy built is a budget-friendly one that contains a re-programmable Atmel ATmega1284 microcontroller and other hardware components so that it can interact with trainees in real time through a LCD display and two RGB LEDs during the training process to realize a more efficient training process. This CPR training dummy will provide a great education to anyone who is capable of performing CPR. This original design achieves the functionality of commercially available CPR training dummies in the current market with a more interactive and intuitive user interface, at an affordable price. According to the standard CPR process, we break down the process into two parts, the chest compressions and airway/ventilation. Converting analog signals to digital signals, the dummy will check if the correct number of chest compressions is given with the correct frequency and correct pressure in the correct area of the chest. It will also check if breaths are given at the right time with a clear airway with the nose of the dummy pinched. A tilt switch is used to make sure the user has the manikin’s chin is tilted upwards to ensure the airway is clear before giving breaths. The user interface composed by the LCD display and the RGB LEDs will tell the user which step in the CPR process they are on (chest compressions or airway/breathing) and whether they are performing the process correctly. Two modes of CPR process are provided — a practice mode and a real mode. The practice mode will guide the trainees through the CPR process step by step and the real mode serves as a “test” to make sure the trainees can act accurately and fluently in the CPR process in reality.
High Level Design
While the CPR serves as an essential part of emergency aid to help save thousands of lives every year, the CPR training classes are not available to everyone due to limited resources and the high expenses of the training dummies. Typically, a simple CPR training dummy without any functionality to guide the users costs more than a hundred dollars in the current market. Besides the dummy, the cost to run training classes to tutor trainees could be costly as well. We decided to design a budget-friendly CPR training dummy that could interactively guide trainees through the CPR process. As there are sensors to detect user actions, an LCD to display instructions and two LEDs to indicate whether a user is performing the correct actions, the user can learn how to do CPR without an actual trainer, thus eliminating extra cost. The dummy can be used in school or even at home personally to learn CPR.
Background Information
The CPR process we simulate in our design follows the guidelines from the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation. Specifically, the process involves chest compressions of at least 2 inches deep at a rate of at least 100 times/minute, i.e. about 3 times per 2 seconds, in order to create artificial blood circulation through the heart and the body. Breaths may also be exhaled into the subject’s mouth to provide ventilation, known as the artificial respiration. Before exhaling breaths, the airway should be made sure to be clear with the chin of the object slightly tilted up. When providing breaths, the object’s nose should be pinched to make sure the air given via breaths will not leak from the nostrils. Details about the methodologies and designs we used are discussed in the software and hardware design sections.
Logical Structure
Since our final project involves many different sensors and switches, it was very important to test each of them separately and make sure we are getting expected results out of them. Conductive sponge was used for detecting the chest compression, tilt sensor was used to make sure the head was tilted to ensure the airway was clear, pushbutton in the nostril of the dummy for pinching the nose and finally, microphone inside of the mouth for the ventilation training. We first tested the conductive sponges which was the most important of the hardware design. After we got that working, we moved onto other sensors and switches like tilt sensor and breath detection sensor. Once we made sure all the sensors and switches are working, we started working on the state machine for the software design. To implement the state machine, we had to design the game play and user interface from the high level first. The nature of the game play is to pass the chest compression phase and ventilation phase. A user needs to compress the chest 20 times with the right amount of force within some time between 10 and 14 seconds at the correct location in the chest compression phase and once the user passes the stage, the user needs to give 2 breaths within 5 seconds with the head tilted and the nose pinched. We carefully designed the game play in detail from the user point of view and then we moved down to the low level to write the code.
Below is an overview of the system:

The CPR Training Dummy has 4 different inputs, separately from the Compression sensor, Tilt sensor, Push buttons and Breath detection microphone. They will be computed at the microcontroller end through ADC, LCD and LED control and then the results and corresponding feedback/guiding messages will be displayed on the LCD as state transitions and through the LED as indications of status of the dummy.
Hardware/Software Tradeoffs
We chose to use the internal differential amplifier with gain for our microphone detection circuit instead of building an external diff. amp with gain circuit and reading the output. This added software complexity but reduced area and cost. We chose to use compression sensors instead of force sensors to detect the compressions since we could use a small amount of the compression sensor to detect compressions which results in a lower cost than using force sensors, and the compression sensors have a springlike quality which simulates the feeling of compressing an actual chest. We used the microphone to detect ventilations instead of our original idea of using a piezo sensor because the piezo sensor was sensitive to any kind of vibrations such as stray tapping of the manikin whereas the microphone only detected vibrations in the speech range.
The project complies with the ISO 9001 (quality management) and the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (standardized CPR procedure) standards. The manikin we chose is composed of nontoxic material and the plastic material used was compliant with the ISO 9001 standards. The CPR process we followed in this project is consistent with the standardized official CPR process from the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation guidelines.
Our manikin may have a potential infringement issue with US patent 8,734,161 titled CPR Training System using Consumer Electronic Device. Since we do not intend to market our device for sale or otherwise profit from the device in any way, we do not anticipate any issues with this patent. This patent does present an issue if we were to pursue this project as a commercial venture. In terms of software program, we borrowed codes from professor Bruce Land under his permission, so we don’t foresee any patent or copyright issue with this.
Software Design
For the LCD we have code that will display a string to the LCD and code that will display an integer to the LCD. In order to get the string display to work, we had to declare each string in program memory in advance.
Compression detection:
For compression detection we read the voltage from the compression sensor into the ADC. When the ADC surpasses a threshold we register a compression. In order to prevent multiple compressions from being registered from the same compression event we “debounce” the compression sensing code by setting a debounce flag high when the ADC threshold is reached and preventing other compressions from being registered until the debounce flag is cleared when the ADC goes back under the threshold.
Nose pinch detection:
Nose pinch detection is done simply by reading the value of a push button switch placed in the right nostril. If the button is pushed the nose is considered pinched.
Tilt detection:
Tilt detection is done simply by reading the value of a tilt switch placed behind the mask. If the sensor is tilted downwards by 30 degrees the neck is considered tilted.
Ventilation detection:
If the nose is pinched and the neck is tilted, then ventilations are allowed to be registered. A ventilation will only be registered if the ADC reading the differential output of the microphone circuit exceeds the threshold for 700 milliseconds, to simulate the fact that ventilations must be given such that the chest rise of the patient is visible and this takes a lot of air. The microphone circuit only responds to forceful exhalations.
We had a millisecond timer we implemented based on the millisecond timer used in Bruce Land’s Cricket Call Generator. We had a counter which tracked timer overflows on timer0 at full speed and after 62 counts we registered one millisecond.
Our main while loop is contained entirely in the state machine shown in figure 2:

There are 5 states in our state machine:
Start Menu:
The start menu presents the user with the option to enter the real game mode or the practice game mode. If they choose to enter the real game mode, the screen will display a message informing them of their selection and then begin a countdown to the game. If they choose to enter into practice mode the screen will display a message informing them of their selection, give directions on how to perform the compressions properly, and then begin a countdown to the game. The game will always begin in compression mode, and the manikin’s eyes will turn red when the game begins. A start flag is set to ensure that the start menu is not entered into again until the practice game is won or the real game is over (win or lose).
Practice Compression:
The practice compression mode will check for 20 compressions. After 20 compressions are given, there will be a check to determine if the compressions were given in an acceptable time frame (10 – 14 seconds) according to the CPR recommended rate (100 compressions/min) with an error tolerance of ±20 compressions/min. The number of compressions given and the elapsed time are both displayed on the screen. After each compression the manikin’s eyes flash green. If the compressions were given in the correct time window then the game moves on to the practice ventilation state. Before entering the practice ventilation state, the game will tell the user how to correctly perform ventilations by reminding them to tilt the jaw and pinch the nose shut before ventilating. If compressions are given incorrectly then the game reminds the user how to perform compressions and then restarts the compression state.
Practice Ventilations:
The practice ventilation mode will check for 2 breaths in a window of 5 seconds. The number of breaths and the elapsed time will be displayed on the screen. During ventilations the manikin’s eyes will flash green. If the breaths are given in time the game will display a win message, the manikin’s eyes will turn green, and the game will go back to the start menu. If the breaths are not given in time the game reminds the user how to perform ventilations and then restarts the ventilation state.
Real Compression:
The real mode is meant to be a more challenging mode which does not provide any feedback and puts the CPR skills learned in practice mode to the test. The real compression mode will check for 20 compressions. After 20 compressions are given, there will be a check to determine if the compressions were given in an acceptable time frame (10 – 14 seconds) according to the CPR recommended rate (100 compressions/min) with an error tolerance of ±20 compressions/min. If the compressions are given correctly then the game will display an encouraging message and moves on to the real ventilation state. If the compressions are given incorrectly then the game displays a lose message and goes back to the start menu.
Real Ventilation:
The practice ventilation mode will check for 2 breaths in a window of 5 seconds. If the breaths are given in time the game will display an encouraging message, go back to compression mode, and increment a “success” counter which tracks successful CPR cycles. If the breaths are not given in time the game returns to the start menu. If x number of successes occur in succession, the game displays a win message, the manikin’s eyes turn green, and the game returns to the start menu. This number of successes is set to 1 in our code but can be changed easily.
Hardware Design

At first we used a piezoelectric sensor to detect if ventilations were being delivered but we found piezoelectric sensing was too sensitive to all vibrations to our device, not just the vibrations caused by forceful breathing unto the device. For this reason we switched to a microphone which was sensitive to forceful breaths only, however the response of the microphone by itself was on the order of millivolts as confirmed by oscilloscope. In order to increase the sensitivity to useful levels we created the circuit shown in Figure 7. This circuit decouples the AC response of the microphone from the DC since we are just interested in the frequency response induced by a forceful breath, and biased the inverting input and non-inverting inputs to Vcc/2. The amplifier used in the circuit was an internal differential amplifier in the ATMega1284p with the gain set to 10. In order to ensure the voltage at the inverting input matched the voltage at the non-inverting input when the microphone was not being stimulated, we used 1% tolerance resistors and tuned a trimpot to match the inputs, and when it was being stimulated the AC response of the mic would be read by the ADC.
To detect chest compressions we firstly placed two wires into a 2-inch square of conductive foam and compressed it in order to see the results. We found this approach resulted in a sensitivity which was too low for our purposes. In order to increase the sensitivity of our conductive foam to compression, we layered two striped s-shaped wires between three 2-inch squares of conductive foam, as shown in figure 6.
Port A, on A.0, contained the ADC we used to detect compressions, and the inverting and non-inverting inputs of the internal differential amplifier with ADC on A.3 and A.2, respectively.
Port C was connected to the LCD to control the messages displayed to the user during operation. The LCD screen was attached to the chest of the manikin so the user can see the messages conveniently while operating the device.
Port D contained all of the digital control inputs, and the outputs to the LED “eyes”. There were two push buttons used to select game mode (real vs. practice) on D.0 and D.1, a tilt switch that detected neck tilt on D.3, a push button used to detect nose pinching on D.4 and the RGB LED eyes were connected to D.5 and D.6. We only needed red and green LEDs but not blue to indicate if the dummy is still in the critical condition or back to life.
Also, a resistor with a resistance of 330 ohms was placed before each input port to make sure the circuit will not be shorted.

Results of the Design
The final prototype dummy has all functionalities we set out to have at the beginning. The mechanical design made sure all wires and electrical components were well organized and hidden under the plastic boards and mask of the dummy so they are portable and hard to be damaged. The speed of execution is good for the overall system as there is no hesitation, flicker or interactiveness problems observed during our demo. We were able to accurately detect the compressions and breaths by using debouncing methodology in our software design. The finite state machine was designed and implemented so that the potential interactiveness of user action were taken care of and limited by different states. Real time instructions for the user were displayed at the correct timing on the LCD. For example, as soon as the user successfully finished the compression part in the practice mode, the message reminding the user that the system now entered the ventilation part and the instructions of the correct procedure of the ventilation were displayed on the LCD. The most time consuming functions in our code were the LCD display and the A/D conversion functions. We experienced some difficulties when trying to dynamically update the LCD display while detecting the user actions, such as a chest compression, due to the large amount of time it took for each LCD display function to finish running. We got this problem solved by moving the long strings of messages out of the loops in our code so that they do not get run in each iteration. The detected analog signals were transferred to the board and converted into digital signals to be fed into the mcu almost instantaneously, so we didn’t see any delay problem for this part either. At the end, the system worked smoothly and guaranteed fairly comfortable user experience.
In terms of accuracy, the system behaved well. First of all, the timer code we used in this lab was carried along from one of our previous labs, the Cricket Call Generator, so we knew the timer worked with high accuracy. While the timer worked as desired, there was a known 11.9 microsecond difference between the counter milliseconds and an actual millisecond, which is about a 1.2% error range and was acceptable since our project did not require super high accuracy in terms of time keeping. The compression detection system was able to precisely capture all compressions with good quality and compressions executed on the wrong area or with not strong enough force on the dummy will not be recorded as we designed. The tilt switch did a great job at controlling the mcu to not record any breaths from the user until the jaw of the dummy is tilted upward by at least 30 degrees. The RGB leds blinked exactly once without any observed delay in green whenever a good quality compression or breath is detected in the desired time range. After careful tuning of the potentiometer resistance in the differential amplifier circuit, the microphone circuit was capable of telling the actual breaths apart from the random vibrations caused by user actions such as tapping on the mask so that random vibrations wouldn’t be taken as breaths. However, if the trimpot value was off by even just a little bit, the sensitivity of the microphone to turbulent vibrations would change a lot, and thus harming the accuracy of the ventilation detection system. Our design also required the user to pinch the dummy’s nose before he/she breaths into the airway and we placed a push button in the right nostril to realize this. As the push button simply pulls the output high or low, we never run into any accuracy trouble for this part. The accuracy of the hardware also depended on the quality of the soldering and wiring. To ensure a high soldering quality, we always had two people cooperate on the soldering work and we used heat shrinks to hold the soldered wires in place. Overall, the system ran with acceptable accuracy.
As there are many long wires in our hardware part and the wires within the compression detection system are exposed, our mechanical design had to make sure all circuits are well covered under nonconductive material to avoid shorts and shock risk. We hid the ventilation system circuit under the mask of the dummy and held the circuit in place with electric tape and super glue. In the similar way, the compression detection system was totally covered under a hard thick plastic layer of the dummy. As plastic material is not conductive, we completely insulated the internal circuitry from the user. Besides this, our Vcc power for the whole system is 5 volts, which is within the human electricity tolerance range, if we consider the human body’s resistance to be around 1000 ohms. The dummy we chose used nontoxic material and should be not harmful to the health of the user. The dummy could be used for CPR training in hospitals, schools, and at home. As all parts can be integrated into the dummy and the dummy itself can be deflated, the whole system is highly portable. The setup of the system is also very easy as the user only needs to inflate the dummy and plug a 5 volt power supply into the microcontroller. People who are able to perform the CPR process should be able to use this system with ease.
The results of our design met the initial goals we set. The system worked as we initially designed and expected. However, we could have placed more conductive sponges at different chest positions to detect forces at all areas to more closely pinpoint the hand placement of the user to provide even more precise feedback. The user interface could also be more friendly, for example, we could write an Android application to wirelessly communicate with the microcontroller and display all real time messages on the mobile screens instead of the small LCD screen. In conclusion, we are happy with our results and there is still much potential in our project and we will be able to improve it if given more time.
In compliance with the IEEE code of ethics, our device will be conducive to the health and welfare of the public, and we are not aware of any issues which may endanger the public. We stated the claims of our device honestly. We do not have any potential conflicts of interest. We did not take any bribes. We improved the application and consequences of technology by developing a device which could potentially save many lives. We worked within our scope of experience and limitations. We accepted all criticism and made all efforts to correct any errors and credit the work of others. We treated all of our members fairly and did not engage in discrimination based on the differing ages, national origins, and sexual orientations of our lab members. We accepted honest criticism of our work. We avoided harming others in any way. We assisted each other in our professional development and in following the IEEE code of ethics.
There was a potential issue with a U.S. patent for Real-time evaluation of CPR performance but that patent describes a system that will evaluate the performance of a practitioner during an actual emergency and not for a training device. And since we didn’t plan to commercialize our project, we don’t foresee any patent issue. We didn’t use any code in public domains. We borrowed codes from professor Bruce Land under his permission.
Appendix A: Commented program listing
/* Final CPR training dummy test code
Rameez Qurashi (
Sungjoon Park (
Haoyuan Chen ( */
/* Port A:
A0 – Compression sensor
A2 – Microphone AC input
A3 – Microphone differential reference voltage
Port C:
C0-2, C4-7 – LCD
Port D:
D0 – Practice mode select button
D1 – Real mode select button
D3 – Tilt sensor
D4 – Nose pinch detection button */
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include “lcd_lib.h“
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <util/delay.h> // needed for lcd_lib
// I like these definitions
#define begin {
#define end }
// game states
#define compstate 0
#define ventstate 1
//Strings used by game
const int8_t LCD_initialize[] PROGMEM = “LCD Initialized\0”;
const int8_t welcome[] PROGMEM = “Welcome “;
const int8_t select1[] PROGMEM = “L butt.: practice”;
const int8_t select2[] PROGMEM = “R butt.: real “;
const int8_t practicemode[] PROGMEM = “practice mode “;
const int8_t realmode[] PROGMEM = “real mode “;
const int8_t three[] PROGMEM = “3 “;
const int8_t two[] PROGMEM = “2 “;
const int8_t one[] PROGMEM = “1 “;
const int8_t go[] PROGMEM = “GO! “;
const int8_t readyvent1[] PROGMEM = “get ready for “;
const int8_t readyvent2[] PROGMEM = “ventilation “;
const int8_t readycomp1[] PROGMEM = “get ready for “;
const int8_t readycomp2[] PROGMEM = “compressions “;
const int8_t losemessage1[] PROGMEM = “you suck “;
const int8_t losemessage2[] PROGMEM = “start over “;
const int8_t winmessage[] PROGMEM = “nice job you win!”;
const int8_t compdir1[] PROGMEM = “20 compressions “;
const int8_t compdir2[] PROGMEM = “at 100/min “;
const int8_t compdir3[] PROGMEM = “under the “;
const int8_t compdir4[] PROGMEM = “sternum “;
const int8_t ventdir1[] PROGMEM = “pinch nose shut “;
const int8_t ventdir2[] PROGMEM = “and tilt chin up “;
const int8_t ventdir3[] PROGMEM = “give 2 breaths “;
const int8_t ventdir4[] PROGMEM = “for 2 secs. each “;
const int8_t keepgoing[] PROGMEM = “keep going! “;
const int8_t remindervent1[] PROGMEM = “tilt chin and “;
const int8_t remindervent2[] PROGMEM = “pinch nose “;
const int8_t timeremaining[] PROGMEM = “time: “;
const int8_t breaths[] PROGMEM = “breaths: “;
const int8_t comps[] PROGMEM = “comps: “;
// Timer variables
// the volitile is needed because the time is only set in the ISR
#define countMS 62 //ticks/mSec
volatile unsigned int time ;
int count; // used to count milliseconds
// raw A to D number
char Ain ;
// initialize variables used in main
int state = compstate;
int practice = 1; // 1 – practice mode, 0 – real mode
int comp_time_high = 14000; // low bound of compression detection window
int comp_time_low = 10000; // high bound of compression detection window
int vent_time = 15000; // ventilation detection window
int start = 0; // 0 – (re)start, 1 – continue game
int num_comp = 0; // tracks compressions
int breaths = 0; // tracks breaths
int success = 0; // tracks successive successes in real mode
int debounce = 0; // used to “debounce” compressions and breaths
int vent_record_time;
int breath_time = 700; // length of good ventilation
int successthreshold = 1; /* how many successive compressions to win
only applies in real mode */
// thresholds
int basethreshold;
int compthreshold;
int ventthreshold=200;
int8_t lcd_buffer[17]; // LCD display buffer
// LCD setup
void init_lcd(void)
LCDinit(); //initialize the display
LCDclr(); //clear the display
//1 sec counter
// generate time base for MAIN
// 62 counts is about 1 mSec
if (0 == count )
time++; //in Sec
//ADC read channel
int read_ADC(int ch_sel)
//init the A to D converter
//channel zero/ left adj /EXTERNAL Aref
//!!!CONNECT Aref jumper!!!!
if (ch_sel < 8)
ADMUX = (1<<ADLAR) | (1<<REFS0) + ch_sel;
return -1;
//enable ADC and set prescaler to 1/128*16MHz=125,000
//and clear interupt enable
//and start a conversion
ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN) | (1<<ADSC) + 7 ;
//get the sample
Ain = ADCH;
//start another conversion
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC) ;
return Ain;
// ADC read differential input between A2 and A3 with gain of 10
int read_ADCdiff()
//init the A to D converter
//channel zero/ left adj /EXTERNAL Aref
//!!!CONNECT Aref jumper!!!!
// 0x0d enables differential x10 gain between A2 and A3…
// … to read microphone input
ADMUX = (1<<ADLAR) | (1<<REFS0) + 0x0d;
//enable ADC and set prescaler to 1/128*16MHz=125,000
//and clear interupt enable
//and start a conversion
ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN) | (1<<ADSC) + 7 ;
//get the sample
Ain = ADCH;
//start another conversion
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC) ;
return Ain;
// print int to LCD
int LCDprintInt(int input, int line)
sprintf(lcd_buffer,”%-i “,input);
LCDGotoXY(7, line);
LCDstring(lcd_buffer, strlen(lcd_buffer));
// print “3, 2, 1, GO!” sequence
void go321()
CopyStringtoLCD(three, 0, 0);
time = 0;
while (time < 1000);
CopyStringtoLCD(two, 0, 0);
time = 0;
while (time < 1000);
CopyStringtoLCD(one, 0, 0);
time = 0;
while (time < 1000);
CopyStringtoLCD(go, 0, 0);
time = 0;
while (time < 1000);
void main(void)
//on board led for testing
DDRD = 0x50; // LED “eyes” on d5 and d6 outputs
PORTD = 0x1f; // d.0-1,3,4 pull ups high, LED “eyes” off
// timer 0 runs at full rate
TCCR0B = 1 ;
//turn on timer 0 overflow ISR
TIMSK0 = (1<<TOIE0) ;
// turn on all ISRs
sei() ;
time = 0;
// game loop
while (1)
if (start == 0)
CopyStringtoLCD(welcome, 0, 0);
while (time < 3);
// display select message to user
CopyStringtoLCD(select1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(select2, 0, 1);
// wait for user to select mode
while (1)
// if left switch is pressed go into practice mode
if (~PIND & 0x01)
practice = 1;
CopyStringtoLCD(practicemode, 0, 0);
PORTD = 0x3f; // d.0-1,3,4 pull ups high, LEDs red
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
// prepare user to deliver compressions
CopyStringtoLCD(readycomp1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(readycomp2, 0, 1);
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
// give directions to deliver compressions
CopyStringtoLCD(compdir1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(compdir2, 0, 1);
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
CopyStringtoLCD(compdir3, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(compdir4, 0, 1);
// if right switch is pressed go into real mode
else if (~PIND & 0x02)
practice = 0;
CopyStringtoLCD(realmode, 0, 0);
PORTD = 0x3f; // d.0-1,3,4 pull ups high, LEDs red
end // end game mode selection if
time = 0;
while (time < 2000);
start = 1;
end // end (re)start sequence
// practice mode state machine
if (practice == 1)
switch (state)
case compstate: // compression state in practice mode
/* progression occurs if 20 compressions are given
within 10-14 seconds */
// compression pad is on A0
debounce = 1;
compthreshold = 10;
time = 0;
CopyStringtoLCD(comps, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(timeremaining, 0, 1);
// detect and debounce compressions
while (num_comp < 20)
if ((debounce == 0) && (read_ADC(0) < compthreshold))
debounce = 1;
PORTD = 0x5f; // d.0-1,3,4 pull ups high, LEDs green
if (read_ADC(0) > (compthreshold))
debounce = 0;
PORTD = 0x3f; // d.0-1,3,4 pull ups high, LEDs red
LCDprintInt(num_comp, 0);
LCDprintInt(time, 1);
PORTD = 0x3f; // d.0-1,3,4 pull ups high, LEDs red
// if compressions are done within the proper time window
// move to ventilation state
if ((time <= comp_time_high) && (time >= comp_time_low))
state = ventstate;
num_comp = 0;
time = 0;
// prepare user to give ventilations
CopyStringtoLCD(readyvent1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(readyvent2, 0, 1);
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
// give user directions on ventilation
CopyStringtoLCD(ventdir1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(ventdir2, 0, 1);
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
CopyStringtoLCD(ventdir3, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(ventdir4, 0, 1);
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
// if compressions are done too quickly or slowly
// print failure message and go back to compressions
state = compstate;
num_comp = 0;
time = 0;
// print lose message
CopyStringtoLCD(losemessage1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(losemessage2, 0, 1);
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
// prepare user to deliver compressions
CopyStringtoLCD(readycomp1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(readycomp2, 0, 1);
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
// give directions to deliver compressions
CopyStringtoLCD(compdir1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(compdir2, 0, 1);
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
CopyStringtoLCD(compdir3, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(compdir4, 0, 1);
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
break; // end compression state
case ventstate: // ventilation state in practice mode
// check for 2 ventilations for 5 seconds
// piezo vibrator is on A1
time = 0;
debounce = 0;
CopyStringtoLCD(comps, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(timeremaining, 0, 1);
// detect and debounce ventilations
while ((time < vent_time) && (breaths < 2))
// remind user to tilt chin and pinch nose if they aren’t
if (PIND != 0x07)
CopyStringtoLCD(remindervent1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(remindervent2, 0, 1);
// only register breaths if chin tilted and nose pinched
else if ((debounce == 0) && (read_ADCdiff() > ventthreshold))
debounce = 1;
vent_record_time = time;
PORTD = 0x5f; // d.0-1,3,4 pull ups high, LEDs green
// only register breath if it is given for long enough
if (time > vent_record_time + breath_time)
debounce = 0;
PORTD = 0x3f; // d.0-1,3,4 pull ups high, LEDs red
LCDprintInt(breaths, 0);
LCDprintInt(time, 1);
PORTD = 0x3f; // d.0-1,3,4 pull ups high, LEDs red
// if breaths are given
// display win message and set restart variable
// to go back to main screen
if (breaths >= 2)
state = compstate;
num_comp = 0;
time = 0;
breaths = 0;
// reset start flag
start = 0;
// display win message
CopyStringtoLCD(winmessage, 0, 1);
PORTD = 0x5f; // d.0-1,3,4 pull ups high, LEDs green
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
// if not enough breaths given in time
// display lose message and go back to ventilations
else if (breaths < 2)
state = ventstate;
breaths = 0;
time = 0;
// print lose message
CopyStringtoLCD(losemessage1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(losemessage2, 0, 1);
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
// prepare user to give ventilations
CopyStringtoLCD(readyvent1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(readyvent2, 0, 1);
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
// give user directions on ventilation
CopyStringtoLCD(ventdir1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(ventdir2, 0, 1);
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
CopyStringtoLCD(ventdir3, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(ventdir4, 0, 1);
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
break; // end ventilation state
end // end switch
end // end practice if
// real mode state machine
if (practice == 0)
CopyStringtoLCD(keepgoing, 0, 0);
switch (state)
case compstate: // compression state in real mode
// check for 20 compressions within time window (10-14 seconds)
// compression pad is on A0
basethreshold = read_ADC(0);
compthreshold = 10;
time = 0;
// check for and debounce compressions
while (num_comp < 20)
if ((debounce == 0) && (read_ADC(0) < compthreshold))
debounce = 1;
if (read_ADC(0) > (compthreshold))
debounce = 0;
// if compressions are done within time window
// move to ventilation state
if ((time < comp_time_high) && (time > comp_time_low))
state = ventstate;
num_comp = 0;
time = 0;
// if compressions are done too quickly or too slowly
// print failure message and go back to compressions
state = compstate;
num_comp = 0;
time = 0;
// print lose message
CopyStringtoLCD(losemessage1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(losemessage2, 0, 1);
// set restart variable and clear successes
start = 0;
success = 0;
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
break; // end compression state
case ventstate: // ventilation state in practice mode
// check ventilations for 5 seconds
// piezo vibrator is on A1
time = 0;
while ((time < vent_time) && (breaths < 2))
// only register breaths if head is tilted and nose is pinched
if ((debounce == 0) && (read_ADCdiff() > ventthreshold) && (PIND == 0x07))
debounce = 1;
vent_record_time = time;
// make sure breaths are given for long enough
if (time > vent_record_time + breath_time)
debounce = 0;
// if breaths are given and enough consecutive successes are had
// display win message and set restart variable
// to go back to main screen
if (breaths >= 2)
state = compstate;
num_comp = 0;
time = 0;
breaths = 0;
// display win message when there are 5 consecutive good cycles
if (success == successthreshold)
CopyStringtoLCD(winmessage, 0, 1);
PORTD = 0x5f; // d.0-1,3,4 pull ups high, LEDs green
start = 0;
else success++;
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
// if not enough breaths given in time
// display lose message and go back to ventilations
else if (breaths < 2)
state = ventstate;
breaths = 0;
time = 0;
// print lose message
CopyStringtoLCD(losemessage1, 0, 0);
CopyStringtoLCD(losemessage2, 0, 1);
// set restart variable and clear successes
start = 0;
success = 0;
time = 0;
while (time < 3000);
break; // end vent state
end // end switch
end // end real if
end // end while loop
end // end main
Appendix B: Budget
Mega1284 x 1 $5.00
STK500 x 1 $15.00
Power Supply x 1 $5.00
Custom PCB x 1 $4.00
White Board x 1 $6.00
Tilt Switch x 1 $1.95
Push Switch x 3 $1.50
Conductive Sponge x 3 $0.36
RGB LED x2 $2.02
CPR training Manikin x 1 $34.95
LCD (16×2) x 1 $8.00
Microphone x 1 $1.40
Total = $85.18
Read more: ECE 4760 Final Project: CPR Training Dummy on AVR