Hello friends, hope you all are fine and enjoying good health. In the previous posts, we have seen How to design a 5V DC power supply in Proteus ISIS and after that we have also discussed How to design a variable DC Power supply using LM317.So, now today we will check how to design a DC Motor Drive Circuit in Proteus ISIS. DC motor is present in Proteus and quite easy to use. First we will simple drive it by applying voltage on its both sides i.e. direct method and after that we will automate it and will drive the circuit using PIC Microcontroller. The microcontroller I am gonna use will be PIC16F877A and the compiler will be MikroC Pro For PIC.
This tutorial is not a correct method of driving any DC motor. In this tutorial, I am just giving an overview of How to design a DC Motor Drive Circuit in Proteus ISIS so you can say this tutorial is more about DC motor in Proteus software. So, don’t try it in hardware. DC motor is a simple motor which needs polarity difference at its two ends. IF this polarity is in forward direction then DC motor moves in one direction and if we reverse the polarity then the DC motor moves in the opposite direction. So, let’s get started with DC Motor Drive Circuit in Proteus ISIS.
Simple DC Motor Drive Circuit in Proteus ISIS
- First of all I will show you the simple control of DC Motor in Proteus so that you get an idea how this motor works.
- Add these two components from the Proteus library:
- Motor
- Logic State
- Logic State has two states 1 and 0. When its 0 means 0V and when at 1 means 5V.
- Now design the circuit as shown in the below figure:
- Now I have added two Logic State on both the sides of motor. Direction of motor will depend on these logic. So, their will be total four states:
- When both states are at 0, motor will not move and remain stationary.
- When both states are at 1, still the motor will not move and remain stationary.
- The motor will move Clockwise when upper state is at 1 and lower at 0.
- The motor will move Anti-Clockwise when upper state is at 0 and lower at 1.
DC Motor Drive Circuit Using PIC Microcontroller
- Now we will drive our motor using PIC Microcontroller, add below components from the Proteus library.
- Join these components and make a circuit as shown in the below figure:
- Now create a new project in the MikroC Pro For PIC and add the below code into it.
Code provided by www.TheEngineeringProjects.com */
#define M1 PORTB.F7
#define M2 PORTB.F6
#define B1 PORTD.F0
#define B2 PORTD.F1
void main() {
PORTB = 0;
if(B1 == 0){PortB=0xAA;}
if(B2 == 0){PortB=0x55;}
- Now burn the hex file of this project in the microcontroller of the Proteus file.
- If everything goes well, then when you click one button the motor will move clockwise and when you click other button the motor will move anti-clockwise.
- I have also shown the simulation in the video below.
Video Tutorial
- A complete video demonstration of the above tutorial is as follows:
Read more: DC Motor Drive Circuit in Proteus ISIS