DC Motor Controller Using Atmega

DC Motor Controller

This simple DC motor controller allows for one direction motor control and has been built entirely of reclaimed electrical parts. Using MOSFET’s for motor control instead of control chips, allows for an external power supply and electric isolation of the motor and control board. Which allows for the use of higher voltage and amperage motors than the micro-controller can support.

DC Motor Controller













For this project you will need:

– A DC motor (I used a salvaged DC fan)

– MOSFET (I used a 110v 30amp make sure it is rated for more than your fan)

– Solder less bread board

– Jumper Wires

– LinkIt One (or another micro-controller)

– (volt battery and connector)

A huge thank you to instructables, autodesk, MediaTek, and Penolopy Bulnick for sending me the Link It One used in this instructable.

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Step 1: DC Motors

DC motors work by changing the polarity of electromagnets in the stator around a circular pattern causing the shaft to rotate. They are able to rotate in either direction at high rates of speed, but do not have a high degree of accuracy of their motion.

Step 2: Wiring of Control System

Wiring of Control System













First place the MOSFET onto the bread board, then connect the battery connector to the power rails. Place a jumper wire from the hot power rail to one side of the MOSFET gate, and a second jumper wire on the other gate to connect the motor. Place a data wire from the control pin to one of the PWM digital pins (i.e. Pin 9).

Step 3: Attach the Motor

Attach the Motor













I used electrical merits to connect the motor to the leads from the battery connector and MOSFET. This way the polarity can be switched depending on which way you would like the motor to turn.

Step 4: Coding

To control the speed of the motor set pin 9 to be an output and send a value between 0-255 to the MOSFET.

0 is no movement and 225 is full speed.

Read more: DC Motor Controller

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