In this instructable we will learn how to control Daikin air-conditioner from any point in the world using Losant IoT Enterprise Platform and their amazing UI dashboard
The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi chip with full TCP/IP stack and MCU (microcontroller unit)
Step 1: How It Works
The microcontroller (ESP8266) connects Losant IoT platform and waits for input (user changes something in the dashboard) then the IR sensor sends information to the Daikin air-conditioner
Make sure the IR transmitter is as close as possible to the AC
Step 2: Required Parts and Components
Step 3: Assembling the B0X

- Drill 2 holes with screwdriver or drill or whatever is easy for you
- Hot glue the transmitter to one of the holes (the one which will point to the AC)
- Connect ESP8266 to the IR Transmitter
- Connect the USB cable to the ESP8266
- Run the USB cable through the other hole
- Close the case with 4 screws
- You are done 🙂
Wiring the IR Transmitter to the ESP8266
IR Transmitter – EPS8266
– (minus, GND) – GND
+ (plus, VCC) – VIN
S (DAT) – D2
Step 4: Setting Up the Device in Losant
- Create a device called IR Transmitter
- Add 5 device attributes
- Data type – Boolean with Name status
- Data type – Boolean with Name quiet
- Data type – Boolean with Name powerful
- Data type – Number with Name temperature
- Data type – Number with Name fan
Here a full tutorial on how to get started by Losant
Step 5: Making the Dashboard
Create a dashboard called AC DASHBOARD and Input Controls Block
Add 6 Controls
- Toggle Input with Label = Status, Template-ID = toggle-0, Dynamic Value, Device IDs/Tags = IR Transmitter, Attribute = status, Default value = false
- Toggle Input with Label = Quiet, Template-ID = toggle-1, Dynamic Value, Device IDs/Tags = IR Transmitter, Attribute = quiet, Default value = false
- Toggle Input with Label = Powerful, Template-ID = toggle-0, Dynamic Value, Device IDs/Tags = IR Transmitter, Attribute = powerful, Default value = false
- Range Input with Label = Temperature, Template-ID = range-0, Min = 18, Max = 32, Device IDs/Tags = IR Transmitter, Attribute = temperature, Default value = 18
- Range Input with Label = Fan, Template-ID = range-1, Min = 0, Max = 5, Device IDs/Tags = IR Transmitter, Attribute = fan, Default value = 0
- Button trigger with Label = Send, On Click = Send Device Command, Device IDs/Tags = IR Transmitter, Command name = command, Payload = check below
{ "status" : {{toggle-0}}, "quite" : {{toggle-1}}, "powerful" : {{toggle-2}}, "temperature" : {{range-0}}, "fan" : {{range-1}} }
Step 6: Upload the Code to the ESP8266
You need to add the Losant library
Upload it to the ESP8266
Congratulations you can now control your AC from anywhere
Read more: Control Daikin AC From Anywhere With Beautiful UI and Losant