Using Arduino

voice wavetable synth

Turn your Arduino into a 4 voice wavetable synth

Multiple synthesizer projects have been done for the Arduino, but few have been able to utilize the full power of the Arduino processor. DZL from GeekPhysical wrote a 4 voice wavetable synthesizer that is one of the more advanced software based synths for the Arduino.  It has wavetables included (sine, saw, square and triangle) and envelopes to …

Turn your Arduino into a 4 voice wavetable synth Read More »

speaker box alarm

Cat Repelling PIR motion sensor (covert) speaker box alarm using Arduino

This is a PIR motion sensor device that works with the arduino uno. In order to make it covert enough to be placed in multiple settings and portable enough to fit most places, I decided to make the case for it appear as a speaker. The inspiration for this project: My cat is a jerk. One of his …

Cat Repelling PIR motion sensor (covert) speaker box alarm using Arduino Read More »