Hello, “Multimeter” was the only title that first came to my mind to. Voltmeter (positive DC voltage) from 0.00 to 9.99 V and 10.0 – 30.0 V with automatic range switching. Frequency counter 0… Electronics Projects,Atmel Atmega8 Multimeter Circuit (led display) “atmega8 projects, avr project, microcontroller projects, “

Hello, “Multimeter” was the only title that first came to my mind to. Voltmeter (positive DC voltage) from 0.00 to 9.99 V and 10.0 – 30.0 V with automatic range switching. Frequency counter 0 .. 7.999 MHz (theoretisch. ..) with automatic Change the time base
Read more: https://320volt.com/en/atmel-atmega8-16pu-ile-multimetre/ Atmel Atmega8 AVR Multimeter Circuit schematic AVR Studio source code files alternative link: atmel-atmega8-multimeter-circuit-led-display.rar alternative link2
Alternative File Download LINK list (in TXT format): LINKS-4403.zip