Serve to control the 128×64 graphic LCD with a preview of the contents of the array and menu graphics. The heart of the controller is Atmega 128 CPU for communication with the PC corresponds… Electronics Projects, ATMEGA128 ATMEGA32 PC Controlled LED Matrix Animation LED Signs “avr project, microcontroller projects, “
Serve to control the 128×64 graphic LCD with a preview of the contents of the array and menu graphics. The heart of the controller is Atmega 128 CPU for communication with the PC corresponds to the FTDI FT232BM. As today is the prototype implemented a very simple menu on the display + 3-button keypad. A fully functioning transmission to PC and oscilloscope generated in real time. On the photos you can see the prototype and actually his half (motherboard) and connected to the test display, in the future all will be on the plate interface.
The driver array is a device intermediary in the transmission of data from the computer to the array, but also allow her to work autonomously without a PC. It is a project that is constantly evolving. Basic features include:
– Transmission of PC => array via USB
– Supports SD / MMC card
– Visualization of real-time audio
– Text from the keyboard in real time
– Supports LAN
– Parallel port for different types of applications
– And who knows what else figure it out 😉

Read more: PC CONTROLLED LED MATRIX ANIMATION LED SIGNS Computer Controlled LED Signs PCB source code schematic alternative link:atmega128-computer-controlled-led-matrix-animation-led-signs.rar alternative link2 alternative link3