I’m programmer and I used to program in many programming languages but this year I started programming in C for Atmel microcontrollers (at tiny 85, at mega 8, at mega 328, atmega329, at mega 128 etc…). When I discovered DHT11 (temperature and humidity sensor) I programmed simple clock with thermo & humidity meter. I haven’t got any case for my project so I imagine that when I cut off column from cashing register display case I will have the case of my dreams for my project.
As microcontroller I used Atmega329p because I have and few of them and they got enough pins for my project.

Step 1: Functionalities of my alarm clock
1.) Big clock
-Show big clock with real time
-You can there turn on/off display backlight by pressing first button
-There you can also setup hours and minutes (every time where are minutes or hours set up seconds are set up to zero). To setup hours third button, to setup minutes fourth button
2.) Actual temperature and humidity
-Show actual temperature (°C) and humidity (%)
-Actual temperature and humidity are refreshed every 2 seconds
-You can there turn on/off display backlight by pressing first button
3.) Maximum values of temperature and humidity
-Show maximum measured values of temperature and humidity
-You can there turn on/off display backlight by pressing first button
4.) Minimum values of temperature and humidity
-Show minimum measured values of temperature and humidity
-You can there turn on/off display backlight by pressing first button
5.) Date and day of week
-Show name of the day of week (as you can seen on picture there are the they of week “Nedela” which in Slovak language means Sunday)
-Show actual date
-You can set up actual date by pressing these button: first button to set up year, third button to set up day, fourth button to set up month. (Day of week is automatically calculated and refreshed)
6.) Alarm set up menu
-You can set up one alarm per each day of week (you can have turned on 7 alarms, one for each day)
-There you can list through days of week and check if the alarm is enabled or no, check the hours and minutes of alarm
-By long pressing (more than 1 second) of first button you go to the next day, by short pressing of first button you change state of alarm (enable/disable)
-By pressing of third button you set up hours of alarm & by pressing of fourth button you set up minutes of alarm
Read More: AT mega Alarm Clock & Thermometer Humidity meter