95 pieces made using RGB LEDs Led cylinder project quite professional printed circuit board, software quality circuit that is used quite ATEMGA168 microcontroller with integrated LEDs TLC5940 LED driver plowed. Installation was very difficult… Electronics Projects, ATEMGA168 TLC5940 PWM RGB Led Cylinder “avr project, led projects, microcontroller projects, pwm circuits, “

95 pieces made using RGB LEDs Led cylinder project quite professional printed circuit board, software quality circuit that is used quite ATEMGA168 microcontroller with integrated LEDs TLC5940 LED driverplowed.
Read more: https://320volt.com/en/rgb-led-silindir-atemga168-20pu-tlc5940nt-pwm/ alternative link: atemga168-tlc5940-pwm-rgb-led-cylinder.rar