A WiFi controlled NeoPixel display. Designed for the MKR1000 but should work for the Zero too. A little rough around the edges but works!
Things used in this project
This project was originally written for an ESP8600 and re-written for a MKR1000 as it had all the necessities for the project without having to etch or solder a board for it (which was the original plan for the ESP8266-12E I had spare). The MKR1000 seems to be able to serve the page and run the functions a lot quicker too.
As the project uses the same libraries as the Arduino Zero and the MKR1000 is very similar, it should work on both the MKR1000 and the Arduino Zero (once the Wifi101 shield is installed).
For the video and picture examples I set the board up on a solderless breadboard to show how easy it is to implement.
Once the code is uploaded and the circuit is set up as directed go to the address (either specified in the sketch or in AP mode) in a browser and click the button to send the instruction for each function.
Read more: Arduino MKR1000/Zero Neopixel Throwie