I have never played the real cyclone arcade game but I like the idea to play with our reaction time.
I designed a miniaturized game. It consists in 32 LEDs forming a circle, the LEDs lights up one by one as a led chaser. The goal is to press a button when the red LED lights up.
- 29x green led
- 2x yellow led
- 1x red led
- 1x 12mm led push button
- 4x 74HC595
- 1x Arduino nano
- Ø3mm tube 46mm long
- 1x I2C OLDE display 128*32
- Wires
- 3D printer
- primer + paint
- sand paper
- soldering iron
- Mini USB cable + USB power source
Step 1: Rules

-if you stop on the red led : the score increases by a value between 4 and 20 depending on the speed. The speed increases by 2%.
-if you stop on a yellow led : the score increases by 2 and the speed increases by 10%
-if you stop on a green led : game over
I also added a bonus for really skilled players !
-if you stop on the red led 3 times in a row while the speed is above 80% : the speed returns to 20% ! (stars indicate the progression of that bonus)
the first LED to lights up is chosen randomly by the arduino as well as if it turns clockwise or counterclockwise.
Step 2: Prototyping

I made this circuit diagram:
and here is the arduino code (you will need this library for the oled display and this library for the hc595 chips)
Step 3: The Enclosure

3D Printing:
The upper body will require supports to print. I printed all the parts using PLA ice filament with default settings on Cura, and 3D printed on a Creality Ender3

For this project I wanted to try a finishing technique for 3D printing.
here is what the 3D print looks like …

Step 4: Assembly

- place the 32 LEDs in the holes of the upper body (negative inside, positive outside)
- bend the negative legs in order to solder them together
- place the first 74HC595 here upside down and solder the LEDs according to the diagram on step 2
- link the four chips with really thin wires also according to the circuit diagram.
- solder four wires to the OLED display and pass those through the tube like that:
- solder all the wires to the Arduino.
- glue the arduino board in place with hot glue.
- clip the upper body on the lower body and clip the front oled box.
Step 5: Have Fun!