In captivity, unlikely to receive necessary care.
I did this and the other animals as if they were being bred in captivity, reproducing their sorrow and ill-treatment with some simple changes in papercraft and pasting a bit crooked and crumpling the paper. However, if you make one, can portray the beauty of this animal simply by pasting the paper as the assembly instructions.
Videos –
Using R / C radio to determine the limits of the servo and test the skeleton:
With arduino:
Materials needed:
– Papercraft download (free):
– 16 sheets A4
– A clothes-peg
– Tree of a 6 inch screws with nuts
– A piece of copper wire about 20 cm
– A standard servo and a mini servo
– 2 servo extension cables
– A piece of balsa wood (15 x 15 cm) * can also use thick cardboard
– A piece of Styrofoam
– a piece of velcro (10x 5 cm)
– An Arduino
– Welding, pieces of wire (I used a cable network), breadboard, glue, hot glue, scissors, etc …

Step 1: Assembling papercraft :
Assemble the following parts and book:
Head – 1,2,3 and 4
Tail – 5.6 e1
Torso – 8
* Tail and torso together
assembling the piece 9 and book
Thighs – 10 and 11
Paws – 22, 25, 23 and 26
Wings – right, left and 16 12.13, 14.15 and 17
* Join the wings with the number 18 and book
Step 2: Assembling the skeleton
For each foot, cut two pieces of copper wire and weld nuts.
The standard servomotor serves to raise the neck of the macaw and was attached to a piece of balsa wood, as figure and rod arm movement has taken place with the metal of the clothespin. The mini servo moves the head and was glued directly on the arm

Step 3: Assembling Macaw
Glue parts 10 and 11 in number 9, forming the thighs and enter parafuzos, screwing in the preacher and put his paws. Place the nails in pieces of copper and set with the help of hot glue.
Servos were fixed upon the peg, getting a good balance.
Step 4: Closing
I tried to fill her head with pieces of Styrofoam to secure the servo arm but was not very good. So I put some expanding foam. I do not recommend using this product because it is expensive and the packaging is made to be used only once. I lost almost all of the product and only used this head.
To control the movements, I used an Arduino.
The software is the following:
int pos = 0; // variável da posiçao do servo
int tmp= 1500; // variável fixa de temporização de um segundo e meio
int anival = 0; // variável que vai escolher o animal
int randomval2 = 0; // variável do tempo de pausa
#include <Servo.h> // biblioteca servo
Servo ararac; // criando o objeto arara corpo
Servo ararap; // criando o objeto arara pescoço
Servo macacoc; // criando o objeto macaco corpo
Servo macacop; // criando o objeto macaco pescoço
Servo tucano; // criando o objeto tucano
Servo jabuti; // criando o objeto jabuti
Servo periq; // criando o objeto periquito
Read more: Animatronic Green-Winged Macaw Papercraft