AnduinoWiFi Getting Started

AnduinoWiFi Getting Started

Consider this the “Blinky LED” of the anduinoWiFi shield!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Andium Anduino WiFi
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Arduino Due
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Arduino Zero & Genuino Zero
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Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE



Implementing an IoT prototype utilizing an Arduino that doesn’t natively support WiFi can be cumbersome. Sure there are some pretty good options for native support. The MKR1000 natively supports WiFi, but this ease comes at a price. The SAMD21 is essentially half as powerful as the SAM3X8E on the Due. Why not have the best of both worlds?


Give me the speed, storage, and excessive amount of I/O available on the Due with the same WiFi101 capabilities and ease of use as the MKR1000? Wouldn’t it also be nice to prevent your prototypes from looking like a labyrinth of wires and breadboards?

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